His Superior - Levi Ackerman x Reader

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Due to the recent controversy and speculations about Hajime Isayama this will be the last Attack On Titan story that I will write. I apologize to the readers who were hoping for more but I refuse to support something created by such a problematic person. If the issues clear up I may return to the series, but for now, here's my last AOT/SNK story.

He admired you. Of course, he would never show it, and Wall Maria knows he'd never say anything about it- but still, he admired you greatly. Sure, he was "Humanity's Strongest Soldier" and all that, but he wasn't you. On top of your incredible skills on the field, you were able to complete your paperwork in an incredibly short amount of time with no mistakes, the recruits listened to you without hesitation and liked you, and somehow with such a giant amount of stress in your life you stayed kind and caring. Not to mention that since you were one of the higher-ups you were able to boss Erwin around.

That was one of his favourite things. You could order the commander around like he was just a cadet, and he couldn't say anything about it. Granted, that did mean that you could boss Levi around too, but he was always happy to help you since you didn't need him very often. Although, due to your presence Erwin had started working harder which had Erwin complaining about you almost every meal. Levi found it incredibly annoying.

You also used your authority to help Levi. Ever since you came around, you had made sure Erwin didn't dump extra work on him. Now, instead of the giant amount of paperwork he used to get daily, he only got what was necessary while you took the excess since you didn't have as much as he did. This left Levi with more time to himself, which he used for more sleep. He'd only been getting 2-4 hours of sleep a night, sleeping at his desk, but now he'd actually go to bed and get at least 8 hours every night. It improved his performance greatly, he'd never felt so good, and it was all thanks to you. At first, falling asleep earlier was hard for him. He was restless and when he fell asleep it was sporadic and uneven. He'd told Hanji about it, who told you, so you'd begun to bring him tea in the evenings, and engaged him in small conversations. Those times were secretly Levi's favourite part of the day. Occasionally you'd fall asleep in his office as well. Whenever that happened Levi would carry you back to your room- even though it was at the opposite end of the building and up a flight of stairs.

In fact, that seemed to be what was about to happen. The sky was newly dark, and you were sat on a couch in Levi's office, sipping at some chamomile tea. Levi was telling you about one of the expeditions the survey corps had gone on beyond the walls in which they'd found a female titan. You'd known of the event, but you wanted more detail. Levi didn't talk very much, but after having conversations with you more often he'd been more willing to speak for long periods of time- but only with you.

"So they try to discuss where Eren is, but they don't have the same information," he said, "so that leads them to realize that Eren's her target, while she has gone and started heading towards the center of the formation. I remember hearing that three of the 104th soldiers had gotten stuck when they lost their horses. Have you ever noticed that the 104th keep messing stuff up really badly like that? That kind of idiocy is what gets people killed. Knowing them though they wouldn't know sensibility if they shat it out their rear end. Hm?" He looked to you, only to see that you had in fact fallen asleep on his couch again, your mug in your hands.

"Of course you fell asleep again." He gingerly sat on the edge of the couch to admire you. Placing his hand on the top of your head, he stroked your hair, and when his hand reached your cheek you nuzzled into it with a content sigh. At this, a soft smile appeared on his face, and he leaned your head forward to place a light kiss on your forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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