twelve: e

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noun: envy
plural noun: envies.

• a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
"the sin of envy"

synonyms: jealousy, bitterness, discontent

verb: envy
past tense: envied

• a desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else).
"the sin of envy"

synonyms: covet, desire, aspire to, wish for, want, long for, yearn for, crave


Park Jimin envied how beautiful she was.

Men were usually called handsome, while women were called beautiful, but he didn't care about any of that. He admired all the things that looked beautiful in his perspective.

She was hardworking and diligent, while he was not. He was too pessimistic to truly work hard. He turned in his homework but would procrastinate a lot throughout a 24 hour period.

He was a normal human being in high school. He was like any other student. He was sleep deprived, valued lunchtime, and had faded bags under his eyes.

He liked to focus on the bad things about himself and focus on the good things about everyone else. He was so insecure, but he didn't even know that. He knew that he compared himself to others, but he never stopped to think that he was insecure.

He's so built.

Wow, his skin is so clear.

I can't believe he got an A on the test.

Why can't I be like them?

She noticed that part about him. She could see it just by looking at him. She didn't like that he was pessimistic and never thought about what was good about himself.

"Jimin, are you okay?" she asked.

She sat next to him during lunch instead of sitting with her friends. He was shocked by this and his facial expression definitely showed it.

"I'm fine," he muttered.

She sipped her juice through the straw. "The weather is really nice today, isn't it? I don't like rainy days."

"Then you won't like me," he replied.

She sighed. "You can't say that. You can't be like that either. Everyone has something good and bad about them. No one is perfect. I don't know why you think everyone here is perfect. I'm not, you're not, but that's okay. Now come on. Let's go play on the field. It's a nice day, after all."

She stood up, brushing the dirt off her skirt and took his hand, gripping it tightly. She was afraid that he would run away. Jimin didn't resist, but he lagged behind her.

He wondered why she was like this. He wondered why she was who she was. He wondered why she wasted her time with him. Nevertheless, he thanked her parents for bringing her into his life.

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