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I sat in my reading room, constantly kept on reassuring my mind that Hyejin is safe.

I let out a frustrated sigh upon not succeed in having a positive thoughts about her right now.

That person could do anything to Hyejin. The person is powerful. Too powerful. I don't even know whether I'll be able to beat him in order to get Hyejin back.

"Joon." I snapped my head towards the door, there stood Jin while smiling at me with a tray of food in his hand.

"You haven't eater properly. Come and eat. I make your favorite."

I shook my head. "How can I eat hyung, if I kept thinking about Hyejin. What if she doesn't get enough food? Heck, as if the kidnapper would be kind enough to let her eat."

I heard Jin sighed softly, placing the tray on the coffee table in the room. He then stood in front of me.

"I don't know if this sounds right, but I think Hyejin would be fine. You are not fine. You barely eat now you look so skinny."

"I just so worried hyung. And now I'm doubting Jungkook. Don't tell me he's working with that guy."

Jin frowned at me. I knew he was about to ask me about it so I answer him first.

"I lost track of him. I put a chip in his phone to track but he somehow found out about it and I lost him."

I slumped my body on the coach tiredly, looking at Jin with my puppy eyes. He smiled and sat beside me before pulling me into a hug.

He knew I was very depressed right now so he chose not to talk anything about this situation, afraid that it'll worry me more.

I was so fed up with this world. I just wanna live happily. With Hyejin and Jin. Why all of this happened? What did I do wrong to deserve all of this.

I didn't realize I was crying until Jin wiped my tears with his palm. He sighed at me while patting my back. Trying to sooth me however it didn't work.

"Okay this is too much, Namjoon. You stop being a weak ass human, now. Hyejin would never appreciate this kind of attitude from you."

"But hyung." I sniffed. "I can't bear living without her."

"For fuck sake, Kim Namjoon. There's isn't any day that I didn't think about her, miserably looking at her empty bedroom, waiting for her texts. You think all of this are easy for me?

They're not. Not at all. But here's one thing that I know. It's called faith. I have faith that one day she'll come in through the front door with a fucking bright smile on her face, she'll be saying 'hi, I'm home' with her high pitched voice and she'll be here with us.

I'm trying to be strong here, Namjoon. For the sake of being strong with you for her. If you keep on being like this, I'm not sure if I can keep up with it."

With that, Jin stood up and left me alone in the room. I cried more. Jin was so disappointed in me. I was so dissapointed with myself too. I was too weak.

A sudden ring of the doorbell made me wiped my tears with my sleeve. Jin might be locking himself in his room so I went to open the house instead.

Upon seeing the person in front of me somehow made me felt.. relax?




I just woke up after a deep sleep because of all the crying I've done. Thanks to my stupid so called boyfriend, Cha Eunwoo.

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