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"Daddy!" I stopped rubbing my eyes, smiling fondly at the little girl that was making a grabby hands at me.

"Hey, my baby girl." I cooed. I took her from Hyejin's arms and planting kiss all over Yerin's face, making her giggled. She placed her head on my shoulder.

I turned my head towards Hyejin, Taehyung no longer there. He knows that he didn't have to take care of Yerin since I'm already here.

Probably continuing his sleep. Hyejin had confusion written all over her face. Yerin that was currently sucking her thumb pulled my face to look at her and pointed at Hyejin.

"I wanna gwo to mwomwy." I furrowed my brows. Mommy?

Upon seeing I wasn't responding to her, she started to whimper and wailing in my arms. My wide eyes darted Hyejin.

"It's okay." Was all she said before taking back Yerin into her arms. Yerin was so happy. She was cackling a lot when Hyejin started to tickle her sides.

This was a first time ever that Yerin like someone that much. She even took almost a three months to accept Taehyung and two years for Suga.

"I made breakfast." Hyejin said. I nodded my head, muttering a small thank you that I bet Hyejin wouldn't hear because it wasn't that audible.

"Whot abwout Yewin?" Yerin said and pouted a bit when Hyejin didn't offer her any breakfast.

"Of course there's breakfast for you too, princess." Hyejin placed her on the child's chair but Yerin didn't want to sit there. She wanted to sit on Hyejin's lap.

"Nwo! I want mommy!"

"Yerin, she's not your mommy." I said. "Come and sit with daddy, okay?"

But Yerin kept on being stubborn.

"Nwo! She's my mommy. My mommy! I want mommy!" When Yerin started to kick the table's leg, I've had enough.
"Jeon Yerin!" I yelled at her. She stopped whining, pouting while looking at me with glassy eyes. Lips quivering at how she was trying to hold in her tears.

I was about to scold her for being stubborn but a single tears dropped on her plump cheeks made my heart ached. I made her cry.

"Baby, daddy's sorry." I wanted to picked her but she backed away with soft sobbed coming out from her mouth.

"Daddy's b-bad." She took in a shaky breath. "Ye.. Yewin j-just want mo-mommy."

I sighed while rubbing my temple. I was feeling a bit tired from driving too long last night and I didn't even get a good sleep.

Hyejin picked her up when Yerin started to cry uncontrollably. Patting her back while trying to sooth her.

"D-daddy's bad.." Yerin whined again.

Hyejin turned her head to me. "I'll be back." Then headed outside.

I slumped my body on chair, thinking about what kind of a father I am for making my daughter cried.



I stepped out from the house and sat a the swing on the porch. Hushing and comforting the crying girl in my arms.

"Daddy nwot lowuv me?" She mumbled.

"No, honey. Daddy loves you so much."

"Bwut daddy's mad." Tears pouring out of her eyes, damping my grey sweatshirt that Taehyung had gave me last night.

I pulled away from her a bit to make her look at me. Wiping the snort that came out from her nose and tears that was staining her cheeks.

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