What If.....

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Sitting in the middle of the cheering crowd, looking at the faces of over-enthusiastic people and  the spectacular lighting which lit his face like a shining sun, was me. Well, maybe I am not that interesting but he, he was a heart-throb. Holding a guitar and singing the most romantic Bollywood track, as if he was not aware of the after effects that it will cause to every girl sitting there.His performance was the show stopper as always in our college's Cultural Fest. 

"So it was the final performance of our fest, thank you for coming people!"announced the anchor for the event. The crowd was going crazy and there was only one name going in the crowd 'Dhruv! Dhruv! Dhruv!' 

"We have to go for dinner," said Anamika.

"Okay,"I said.

Thinking about anything would be the most inconsiderate thing that could happen to me. After all, he was my junior and I was his senior. He would never know. 

The next day, after the completion of the fest I returned to my normal life at the college."Bhaiya! ek cup coffee,"I said to the canteen guy.

"Bhaiya, ek cup coffee aur,"said the guy standing beside me. At first I didn't even realize it but I can not stop blushing, after all it was the first time that I was so close to the 'famous' Dhruv. 

"Hi,"Dhruv said.

"What?"I replied. Maybe it was not the best answer. "Oh! sorry ma'am,"he apologized. This is the only system which I don't like about Indian colleges, addressing your seniors by sir or ma'am.Maybe I should apologize to him, or give him a better cover-up, I thought of many excuses but the once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity went just like that.

"Bhaiya, yeh lo aapka coffee, didi aap bhi,"said the canteen guy after sometime. He thanked the canteen guy  and went without even looking at me. So, this was our first ever encounter after he entered the college. I went to my friend Anamika who was grinning at me as if I stole the coffee and she is the only witness to my act."I saw everything,"she said. She may have misinterpreted it, maybe I should clarify myself and I was wondering for a cover up but then, "That canteen guy, he gives two kachori for 20 rupees, he gave me only one,"she continued. So, that was what she thought, of course. Now this was all getting very upsetting. Of course I have no chance with this guy. Soon, the coffee started tasting bitter. Maybe I should have gone to hostel, cried my eyes out and acted like a zombie or maybe I can have just stay happy and completely forget about it. I chose the second option.

Time flows just like water. Exam time has already started. The best thing about exams is that you actually study. So was I going to. It's been three days since I started issuing books for myself from the library, which I never do in the normal days. About five reference books and two guides, I would have been all set for my next exam. I was carrying this pile of books from library and some stupid idiot who pushed me and made all my books fall on the floor. "Sorry, sorry,"said a guy. I looked at him but somehow couldn't look at him. 

"Arey, take care,"Dhruv said as he passed the scene with a smile. 

His smile made my day. How can someone look so handsome! how can someone smile so brightly! were my thoughts before I came back to reality and picked my books quickly.I just couldn't help but smile, although I would have preferred if it was Dhruv who had helped me with the books.

After that day, a series of coincidences started happening. Earlier, I used to see Dhruv maybe once a week but now, I could see him like thrice a day. Maybe god was too happy with me and I also never let go of a chance to see him. That's what happens when you have a crush on someone, just a mere glimpse of them can make your day, and these meetings made me happy. But then, every coin has two sides.

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