I Don't Want to Care.

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This is the first story that I've spent some time working on. I can never really finish any and I'm trying so very hard to finish this one. Some encouragement would be nice. :) Tell me what you think if you do read it. Tell me if I should continue with this story. Please and thank you :3

P.S: I'm extremely excited for the turn out XD


                "Hey, Hailie!!" I heard a familiar voice shout behind me. I glanced back slightly just to see who it was. I was too busy trying to put my locker combination in right. After my sixth try. I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder before I was twirled around to face whoever was calling me. They'd messed me up...I sighed and then noticed who it was that had almost became my new found enemy.

"Trenton!" My best friend. "Hey, you're lucky you're you. I was about to karate chop your arse."

"Ha-ha, now why would you go and do that mate?"

"Because I have incorrectly put in my locker comb like 6 times...7 now because of you. I just need my books!!" He gave an exasperated sigh and moved me to the side slightly enough so that his arm could get past me and to my lock. After only a few seconds he had my locker door wide open and it displayed all of our recent photos that we'd taken over the summer.

                My favorite one was in plain view. A picture of Trenton, Sabrina, Bryan, Lybya, and I. The best of friends all plastered together in one frame. We all look so happy. I smiled at the memories of that day that had come rushing to my head.

                "There! You happy now?" Trenton asked in an over exaggerated tone.

"Yeah, maybe just a little bit."

"Good." He rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his black and white plaid long sleeve button-up. "So, the reason I attacked you here at your locker is because there's a party going on at Jonah's house and I was wondering...If you wanted to go with me?"

"Hmmmm" I hummed. "Are you asking me out on a date? What a rowdy young fella!" I mimicked his grandmother.

"Yeah that’s exactly what I'm doing. So you want to go?" He peered at me with his large green eyes. I could never say no when he stared at me like this. His eyes put me into a trance. I could see him trying to hide the smile that crept its way onto his face; he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Uhm, yeah I'll go. But you know I have to ask my mom first.

                His smile completely vanished. He knew my mom... hell, he knew my entire family. But my parents are the ones you don't really want to know.

"Why not ask your dad?"

"He's not going to be home when I get there. And he definitely won't be drunk if he is home so don't go getting your little hopes up."

"She's going to say no. She always says no."

"I don't know. Maybe she's in a good mood today."

"She isn't. She never is. And if she is...she's never home to bloody show it." Oh Trenton and his English swear words.

Did I mention he was from the UK?

"I'll just sneak out if I get a no."

"When you do that you don't come back to school for days after. You barely passed last year. If it weren’t for you being so smart, you wouldn't have passed at all. And you said this year would be different."

"I know. I know. I know. And it will."

"Fine...Call me later, yeah?"


                He walked off babbling about how fun the party would be and everything making me smile to myself. I reached into my locker and grabbed my things. Just as soon as I began to walk away I was stopped by another heavy hand. This one, as the last one, spun me around so that I was facing a new friend. Jonah.

                "Hey there Hailie." He barked. He was the cutest guy ever but, he just didn't know how to control his anxiety.

"Hello Jonah."

"What’s going on? Uhm, I'm having a party tonight and like it'd be pretty cool if you came. My parents won't be home this time so there won't be any limits as to what you can do there." He went on.

"Yeah, Jonah I'm going to come to your party. Don't worry about it." I'm not sure if anyone knew, but in school there is a bell that lets you know when you're late to class. And if my calculations are right it should ring at any second now.

"Well Jonah, I have to go and get my butt to class. So I'll see you later."

"Oh, yeah! Alright! I'll talk to you later." He smiled and let his head drop so that he was now looking at the ground as he walked away.   

                I finally got away from my locker. On my way to class I got plenty of greetings. The bell had already rang so I was no longer in a rush to get to Chemistry class with Ms. Woods. I stopped to talk a few times with people passing by that I had recognized. By the time I finally made it to the chem lab, the entire B-wing hall was completely empty. I opened the door slowly and poked my head in. I saw that Ms. Woods had her back to the class so I crept in and took my seat next to Gregory. Gregory, or Greg for short, is this pretty cool loner kid. A lot of the people around this school label him as emo and call him a cutter and all sorts of horrible things. but he never lets it bother him.

                I admire him for that.

                "Hey Greg!" I smiled in his direction. After he died on Temple Run he looked up at me and smiled. I'm guessing he didn't know that I had snuck into the classroom a minute before.

"Hey." He smiled back at me. He had the cutest smile. And it was really a reward to see it because he rarely ever smiles.

"What's Ms. Woods going on about?" I tilted my head in her direction for emphasis.

"Something about how one molecule equals six point zero two times ten to the twenty-third." He shrugged it off like nothing and went back to his game of Temple Run.

"That game will be the death of you." I mumbled and he chuckled in return.

                The hour flew by so quickly that I was startled by the bell when it'd rung. I said my goodbyes to Greg, stood up, and walked out of the class. The next two hours flew by almost as quick. TIme for lunch.

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