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                I entered the cafeteria with my Abercrombie and Fitch shoulder bag turned to the back. The shoulder strap split my boobs down the middle which caused more starring than usual. I fixed the strap as best as I could.  Goodness what happened to the manners men used to have? I looked around for a bit until my eyes fell on Lybya sitting at our usual table. She spotted me at the exact same time and waved me over. I didn't have to think before my feet began to move in her direction.

                "Hey beautiful. How was your day so far?" I sang to her. She laughed loudly and stood up with her arms open for a hug. We embraced each other and she kissed me on both my cheeks. Ever since reconnecting with her French heritage she's been doing that. I loved it. I returned her kisses then walked over to Sabrina and wrapped my arms around her. She hadn't known that I was there because she had her head down, and she's deaf. Her head popped up and she smiled a hello at me. I took a seat next to Lybya and across from Sabrina so that she could read our lips and be a part of the conversation.

                When I met Sabrina in elementary school I was determined to become her friend. The kids in our class would always poke fun of her and talk about her plainly in her face. But she'd just smile. Every time I'd tried to ask why she never answered. When I told my mother she'd said that she was either mentally disabled or she was deaf. I thought my mother was just being mean then so I asked my teacher and she'd told me Sabrina was deaf. And explained why the lady who came in with her was always moving her hands and making crazy faces. So being young and inexperienced I tried to talk to her with random hand movements and funny faces. I made her cry. I apologized and explained to the teacher what happened; she suggested I wrote notes to her. We've been the best of friends ever since. My longest lasting friend always there even if she couldn't hear or talk to you. I love her!

                "So," Lybya said chewing on her banana. Once she swallowed she continued. "Jonah's having a party an-"

"Geese. Is that all people talk about these days? Party over here! Party over there!" I said bouncing and swaying my arms back and forth. Sabrina smiled at my silliness.

"So I take it that Trenton already talked to you." She laughed.

"Yeah, and Jonah himself. A few other people in the hall too." Sabrina signaled for me to look at her.

"So am I supposed to come to this party that you guys are talking about?" She singed.

"Only if you're up for it love." I signed back. Lybya nudged me with her elbow and gave me a questioning look. She never learned sign language, although one of our best friends used it as communication. "You really need to learn how to sign." I smiled at her

"Hey! Sabrina knows that if she wants to talk to me, she'd have to text it." Sabrina smiled at her and shook her head causing her silky blonde curls to bounce. I pulled my lunch from my bag and pulled out a sandwich. As always Sabrina took half of hers and traded it for half of mine. We munched on our lunches and talked about a lot of random topics.

                "So what are you wearing to the party?" I signed to Sabrina now that she'd decided she would go with us.

"You know I have nothing good to wear to any kind of party!" She motioned to her sweats and tee shirt. “I’m going to have to raid your closet." She continued. "And you have to do my hair and make-up" She finished with a smile and took a bite from her apple. Lybya poked me and raised her eyebrows.

"I won't be your translator forever you know?" I sighed. "I asked what she's going to wear to the party."

"And?" She pushed.

"And she said that she has nothing and that she'd need to raid my closet and that she needed me to do her hair and make-up. But that my dear will be your job." She smiled brightly and her light green eyes shined. She loved doing hair and make-up, she's going to college for a cosmetology degree.

"Awesome. So we meet up at yours after school right?"

"Don't we always?" Sabrina smiled and shook her head in agreement. The bell rang signaling that B-lunch was over. We embraced then dispersed leaving the lunchroom through three different doors heading in different directions. I passed Bryan in the hall but he was too busy sucking face with another girl to notice that I waved at him. I sulked off to Algebra 2, it wasn't my favorite subject but I was annoyingly great with numbers. When I walked into the class I saw that my desk was full save for one chair. I knew that it was being saved for me, but I didn’t want to be surrounded by all those people to day. I walked to the back of the class and spotted a partially empty desk. I took the seat next to Zeek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2012 ⏰

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