Sunshine and Smiley Riley

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| Lillie's POV |

After ordering our food at Chipotle, Riley, Daniel and I went and found a spot for us to sit. Then our food came and we all started eating and talking. I wasn't really talking in on the conversation though. I was barley listening. All I could think about was the boy that I meet at the party when we were in Minnesota. We talked for almost the whole party and he asked for my number so I gave it to him and I got his. He texted me the day after the party and we talked the whole day. I told him I would text him the next day so I did but he never replied. I didn't worry about it too much... I just assumed he was busy. Then I texted him the day after that and still no answer. Then I got really concerned so I texted again that day and still no response. That's when I realized he probably doesn't want to talk to me. Sense then, I have been a little bummed that he just stopped answering. I really thought that he was sweet and such a genuine nice person. I was even stupid enough to think that maybe we could have had a friendship or something. I didn't even know his last name. I only knew him as Jonah...

"Hey.. Lillie, are u alright?" A voice said interrupting my deep thoughts.

"...yeah, I'm fine" I said with a forced smile.

"Lillie Rose Hart... I am your best friend and I know u too well to know u aren't fine. Now just tell me what's wrong before I take matters into my own hands!" Riley said in a stern voice.

"Fine.... well I have just been bummed sense the boy at the party stopped texting me." I said looking down at my food.

I looked over at Daniel to see a little confused look on his face so I filled him in on the boy that I met at the Minnesota party.

"I saw a cutie guy so Riley pushed me into him and then we introduced ourselves and just started talking. He was so sweet and my heart melted just talking to him. So then he asked me for my number so we exchanged numbers. We texted the whole day the day after the party. The I texted him the next day and he didn't answer. Then I texted the again and he didn't answer again and again then I realized he probably just didn't want to talk to me. So I stopped texting but i am still upset from the whole situation. I shouldn't be upset but I just really thought we at least have a friendship or something. I can't believe I was so stupid." I said laying my head in my hands.

"Lillie, u weren't stupid. If I were in your shoes and someone just stopped texting me, and I would be a little bummed too. But u shouldn't let it bother you. If he's not enough of a man to text back, then he doesn't deserve u!" Daniel said.

"Damn boy, why can't everyone be like u?" Riley said with a little laugh.

"Because... there is only one Daniel Seavey in this world and everyone is different." Daniel replied acting all smart.

"Well I'm glad to say that I know the one and only Daniel Seavey." Riley replied with a cute little smile.

"Awwwww thanks Riles" Daniel said with a silly face that made Riley laugh.

"Okay love birds.. can we please finish our food and go to our apartment before u guys make me throw up in my mouth?" I said with a fake gag.

"Ohhh shut up you dork." Riley said with a little push of the arm.

"She's just jealous Riles." Daniel said sticking his tongue out.

I stuck my tongue out right back and Daniel stood up and went to throw away his trash. As soon as Daniel walked away from the table, I smirked at Riley and she gave me a glare.

| Riley's POV |

After we finished eating, we all hopped in the car and Daniel took us to our apartment. We invited him in and he admired the cute place. The apartment was already furnished and it was a decent size apartment. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. It was modern looking and I loved the artiness of the place.

After throwing out suitcases into our rooms, Lillie and I started making popcorn and grabbing snacks as Daniel looked for a movie to rent and watch. After a bit of looking, Dani cane across the scary movie, It. He said he has wanted to see it so bad it was the perfect time to watch it.

"Absolutely not! I will die if we watch that. Scary movies are the worst!" I said sitting down on the couch.

"Oh come on Ry. PLEASE!?" Lillie said with a mouth full of popcorn.

"U wouldn't want to crush the blue eyed boys heart.. would u?" Daniel said putting his hand on his chest dramatically.

"..... fine! I'll watch it but I'm probably gonna jump on top of u so u have been warned!" I said.

Daniel tilted his head back and laughed. "That will not be a problem at all."

I blushed and started the movie.

As the movie continued on, I slowly ended up in Daniel arms with my legs crossed on his. When ever I got scared, I would tuck my face into Daniel's chest and he didn't mind. The first time I did it, his heart sped up and I could feel it through him chest. But as I continued doing it, Daniel eventually didn't tense up and became use to it. It almost seemed as if he cuddled me closer when I got scared.

Towards the very end of the movie, the movie had a huge jump scare and I threw the popcorn bowl out of my lap and spilled popcorn all over Lillie. Luckily, she was asleep and she didn't even budge when the popcorn hit her face. Daniel bursted out laughing and so did I. We laughed a good 10 minutes and then movie ended. Daniel got up to leave but then we made plans to meet Daniel's band tomorrow.

"How about u and Lillie come over to the bands house and u can meet them there, and then we can go out to dinner. So then u guys will have the whole day to get settled into your new apartment." Daniel said.

"That sounds perfect! I'm excited to meet your bandmates. For what u have told me, they seem really cool." I relied.

"They are. They are my best friends and my brothers. I couldn't have done this whole music thing without them."

"You are just so damn sweet. It makes my heart melt." I said smiling ear to ear.

Daniel then laughed. "U haven't stopped smiling all night. You are Smiley Riley."

I blushed and then began to speak. "Honestly, I'm usually never this happy.. ever. If it weren't for u Seavey, I probably wouldn't be here. Who knows what Jesse would have done to me..." I said with my smile beginning to fade.

"Hey don't let that douchebag ruin your beautiful smile. He doesn't even know u moved and he knows I'll kill him if I ever seem him again." Daniel said with a bit of rage.

A tear ran down my face and Daniel wiped it away and pulled me into a hug.

"Riles I swear, he will never touch u again." Daniel said in a serious tone.

"Thank you.. I don't think u know how much I appreciate u." I whispered.

"Trust me... I know." He said pulled way from our hug. "Will u be okay tonight? Do need me to stay??"

"I really appreciate your offer Sunshine but I think I'll be okay." I said.

"Sunshine.. I like that nickname." Daniel said. He walked over to the door and stopped right before leaving. "If u feel scared or the littlest bit sad, call me. I'll be here in 2 seconds" Daniel said.

My heart melted at his words. "I promise.. I will. Bye Sunshine."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Smiley Riley."

I' m so sorry for another boring chapter but it's going to get more interesting soon! Just bare with me! Also IM ALMOST AT 200 READS LIKE WHAT??! THANK U GUYS SO MUCH ITS INSANE! Btw happy New Year all! I hope u all enjoyed your New Year's Eve. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment please! (:

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