Don't Forget About Me

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| Riley's POV |

My eyes slightly fluttered open to the sound of familiar voices.

"Is she okay?? Should we ask her about it?" Asked a familiar blonde boy.

"No! I think she just needs sometime to cope with her nightmares. Plus, it would only make her feel worse if she knew that u guys heard her scream in her sleep last night." Replied a concerned brown haired boy.

I then realized it's Corbyn and Daniel talking and they don't know I'm awake. They must be talking about me. More specifically my nightmare. Bloody hell... I can't believe the boys heard me scream from my nightmare last night. They probably think I'm crazy. I hope I didn't wake everyone in the house up last night.

Without moving, I cautiously open one eye to see if anyone else is in the room. And of course.. everyone is. Lillie stood by the bed chewing at her nails. Jonah had his arm on Lillie's shoulder looking concerned. Jack and Zach looked at each other not knowing of what to say. Corbyn stood in front of Daniel and had a look of fear and concern in his eyes. Daniel sat at the edge of the bed looking serious. He must have just woken up and the boys had asked him about the scream.

"Guys I know you are worried about Riley but I think if she knows that you guys know about the nightmare, she will feel embarrassed. " Daniel said.

He's right. I would and do feel embarrassed. I don't like being pities but I do understand they care about me. Do they know what the dream was about??? Did Daniel tell them about Jesse and the attack?? Oh god I hope not. I don't want them to know until I'm ready to tell them.

After snapping out of my thoughts, I looked to see everyone leaving the room besides Daniel. He walked into his closet and pulled out his outfit for the day. He then went into the bathroom. I then sat up waiting for him to come back. I grabbed my phone to see I had a unknown text.

Unknown number
Don't forget about me. I'm still around watching your every move.

My heart began to thump in my chest and my breath got caught in my throat. Was the text from Jesse? I asked myself. Is it Ashlyn?

Then the horrible thought of Ashlyn came back to me. I haven't even told Daniel or Lillie about her. Maybe it would be best if I didn't. Besides, she might get bored of me and move on (not).

I tried slowing down my breathing as I felt a panic attack start to creep up on me. Just then, I felt a warm hand grab my stone cold one.

"Riles, look at me.. are u okay??" Said Daniel as sat on the bed inches away from me. My breathing continues to get faster and I couldn't speak. Daniel placed his other hand on my cheek and held onto my other hand for dear life.

"Riles, look at me. Focus on your breathing. In... out...... in.... out." Daniel said as he looked into my eyes.

My breath progressively slowed down and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Better?" Daniel asked.

"Better.... how did u know how to do that?"
I asked.

"Well, I use to have anxiety and have panic attacks. Especially before I preformed in front of a lot of people. It eventually got so bad my mom took me to see someone and they taught me how to face my fears and stop my panic attacks. Sense then, I am able to preform in front of thousands of people and I haven't had an attack in forever." He said in a soft tone.

"Wow... I would have never known, Daniel. I guess everyone has there own demons too." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." Daniel said with a slight smile.

         Daniel and I sat in silence. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence... it was peaceful. Then, it was interrupted by a small knock at the door. I told the person behind the door to come in. Then Corbyn walked in with a look of relief on his face.

       "Hey Corbs... what's up?" I asked

        "I just came to give u a hug" Corbyn said as he brought me into a warm hug.

          I laughed a little as Corbyn pulled away. "What was that for?" I asked.

           "Well... I think you just deserve a hug." Said the bean.

            I smiled and realized how much the boys all really care about me. Though I have only known the boys for a short time, I care about them a lot too.

            When we were at dinner the night before, I had never laughed so hard in my life until that night. We told each other everything as if we have been best friends for years. I figured out who the boys were pretty quickly. Jack was a goof on the outside but was also very loving and sensitive on the inside. Zach could be a complete airhead at times, but he always has the best intentions for his friends and the people around him including his fans. Jonah seemed a little bit like a player on the outside but was actually a fricken teddy bear on the inside. If u ever need life advise or you want a deep conversation, go to Jonah. Corbs is a genius but very caring and protective. He says the most random things that make me laugh, but he also shows so much love to everyone. And don't get him started on his girlfriend, Christina. He will never shut up about her but it's adorable. If I ever had a sibling, it would probably Corbyn. He's like another half of me that a lot of people don't get to see or know. And then... Daniel. Daniel is everything. Kind, smart, funny, good hearted, etc. but... he's kinda like me. He has demons that not many know about and he's hard to figure out. I think he's more broken then he shows. He understands me in a way Lillie or the boys don't. I have a feeling I don't know the complete Daniel Seavey but I will soon enough.

        "Riley..... earth to Riley... RILEY" Corbyn screamed.

        I jumped out of my day dream after Corbyn screamed at me. "WHAT" I screamed back.

        "Get your ass up... we are going to the beach!" Corbyn said.

         I love the beach. It will be a good time to get my mind off of things. "Alright... Lillie and I will go to our apartment to get our swimsuits so we can just meet u guys at the beach in like, 30 minutes?" I asked as Lillie and I approached the door.

        "Yeah that sounds good. See ya then" he said as we walked out of the house.

         As Lillie and I got in the car, she sighed and I knew what was coming.

         "Okay Daniel told me not to say anything... but I know about your nightmare. Daniel didn't say who it was about but he didn't have to. Why didn't u tell me u were having nightmares about Jesse?" Lillie asked with concern in her eyes.

Heyyyoo. I hope u guys like this update :) if u have questions please ask! Also comment what u think and who do u think sent the text to Riley??  Thank u all for reading.. I can't believe this book has almost 1,000 reads like WHAT. Anyways, I hope u all have a splendid day :))))

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