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"Mommy, can I go to the park?" Addie asked as she hopped, well tried to hop on the bar table chairs.

"Yes sweetie, but only since its your 5th birthday. I want you home by 6, and dont go anywhere but the park" her mother said stressfully, trying to talk on the phone to her sister, wash the dishes, and check Addie's older brother Todd's homework.

"Yay!" Addie gave on trying to get onto the chair. She walked over to the fridge, and grabbed a apple juice box. She snatched a Oreo from the counter, and walked to the door, only stopping to put her red ladybug boots on. With that she opened the door and waked down the street to the park.

As Addie got closer to the park, she heard shrieks and screams. She walked to the park and she saw a bouncy house set up, with a sign that said "FREE USE TODAY" leaning on it. Addie ran to it, kicked off her bots and dropped her juice and cookie on the ground. She climbed into the bouncy house and started jumping. As she bounced up and down, she looked around the tent. It was decorated like the circus. At that second she tripped over somebodys leg, and she fell face first into a sinking floor. "Huh?" she said. She got up and saw the bouncy hunt sinking, and kids scrambling out of it. She tried her hardest to get out, but she was the last one out. When she stuck her head through the nearly colapsed door, she slipped and fell onto a body. A bloody and bruised body. She lifted her head, and saw dead bodies laying everywhere. In the streets, on the grass, on benches, everyone was dead. She looked arouns and saw a man- dressed in all black standing by a tree, stabbing a young boy about 7 to death. Before she could say anything, he dropped the boy and looked around, looking proud until he layed his eyes on her. His eyes glowed a bright firey red, and he walked up to her "Little Girl. I wil spare you your life, if you run now. But not home, no. Run far far away, where no soul lives. Run, I will give you 3 seconds. 1.....2....3" he said. He opened his eyes, and she was gone. Addie had run.

Addie ran, she ran with her ladybug boots in her hand. She ran home. But she didnt go inside. She waited in the bushes. Her mom, dad and brother eventually came out of the house calling her name. Her dad had a phone in his hands, and her mom was crying. Now any normal child would have run up to their parents, but Addie knew that the killer was serious. Once he parents were out of sight and driving to the police station, Addie ran to the door, looked under the Welcome mat for the spare key, and walked in the house. She grabbed her teddy bear, a blanket and 2 cookies. She locked the door, put the key in its hiding place and ran far far away.......................


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PS. Pic to the right is Addie (When she is 15 lol) just imagine her with some bruises, and messy hair. O and remove the phone :P

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