New Partner

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  • Dedicated to EVERYONE ON PLANET EARTH :)

Me new story!!!!!!!!!!

Im sorry about not uploading. I went to Vegas and we and we had a tropical storm :\

Sooo yea!



The sunlight crept through the trees, and eventually I couldnt stand it. I woke up. I got out of my leaf bed, and I brushed off the leaves. I had to do something useful today.

Wait a second, let me back up. I am Addie. I am 15 years old. I ran away from home when I was 5, because a murderer told me too. I have a pretty good life for a run away. I move around, I never stay in the same place for too long. I sometimes get a job for a few weeks. I do small jobs, like lawn mowing, or errands . Whatever. I live whereever I can. I live in the woods, sometimes in a motel room, but that was only once in Wisconsin, a homeless shelter~ I have lived everywhere. I earn money from my jobs, so I can buy clothes, food and a motel room (sometimes). I am always running, and I have to make sure nobody knows who I am. I am running from California. I would guess I am in around Michigan now. I dont go to school, or anything. I am on my own. I dont have much money, so I usually stay in the woods or a park or somewhere.

I got up, and walked over to the rock which held down my belongings. I own 2 plaid shirts, and I am wearing my other shirt, which is a off the shoulder sweater. I own 1 pair of jean shorts (Im wearing) and I own 2 pairs of battered up jeans. All my clothes are battered up, torn and dirty. But thats the least of my worries. I have $5 with me. But I dont worry about that. I worry because yesterday I saw the murder from my childhood.

I grabbed my stuff, shoved them into a shopping bag that was in my pocket, and I went into town.

I get weird looks from everyone, why I dont know. Maybe its because I look like a hobo. Well thoose people better shut the fuck up. They dont know who they are dealing with. But I do. They are dealing with a tough, kick ass girl being chased by a murderer who for some reason let me go many years ago.

I walk to a park, with sprawling green grass and huge oak trees. It has laughing kids and dogs barking. Kinda like the park in my old neighborhood. Except this one is bigger. I walk over to a swing set and sit down, and thats when I see him. The murderer. He is far away but I still know its him. He is walking down the path. I jump of the swing and run in the opposite direction. I keep running until I hear a horrific scream. I turn around and see him in full force, shooting and stabbing left and right. Kids, mothers and dogs are running everywhere. I creep slowly to the playground again, and hide behind a bush. Suddenly, the man goes out of sight. "Where did he go" I mutter, and suddenly I hear someone breathing next to me,  I turn to the right and I see a Australian Shepard next to me, his eyes big and wide. I pet the dog, and grab a hold of his collar. "Brandi? Is that your name?" She woofs quietly, and looks at a point in the distance. The man is still no where to be seen, in fact I cant see a living being in front of me.

I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around and see the murderer. "Well well we meet again. What is this?  The 15th time you have seen me murder a playground full of moms and kids? Yes, about 15. You still can take me up on my offer. Your a tough, kick ass, no tears girl, you can help me" He says in a low voice.

"In your dreams bitch. Come on Brandi, lets go" I said standing up

"Ahhh, I see you have a new partner' He said, raising an eyebrow

"Yes, I do. This proves that A) I have a heart and B) I am more likeable then you" I shot back

" What is that supposed to mean?" He asked

"O nothing. Just the fact that in 10 years, I find a partner and in O I dont know your whole life your alone. Yeah~ I know your parents disowned you at the age of well wait a second~ They never even accepted you. They left you at the hospital. Yeah, thats all I know about you. But it dosent take a genuis your alone and dont even know what having a partner feels like. O and everybody knows you a selfish bitch" I shot back, walking over the bush.

"Ahhh you think your so smart, well news flash little girl your not. " He said

"News flash to yourself. When was the last time you made a comback? When the dinosaurs where alive? A rat could make better comeback then you" I smirked

"Well how about this. You have seen me murder many, insulted me countless times~ but yet you dont know my name or what my face looks like. Well except for my eyes" He smiled

"You can tell alot about a person by their eyes" I said

At that moment, a siren went off and the police were nearing. I took off, deeper into the park with Brandi, leaving the murderer.


After 2 hours of running, I finally slowed down and sat in a grassy patch in the woods. "You know he was right Brandi. I have seen him murder a whole playground before. He has offered me a position as his partner. I dont know why i dont turn him in. I guess its cause Im afraid he will hurt my family" my voice trailed off. "Come on, lets go get you some food"

We walked for 10 minutes and reached the store, I went inside bought a can of dog food and fed it to Brandi. We walked back to the park, and we saw Caution tape surrounding the playground.

As we neared it, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around right into the face of a serious, stern police officer holding handcuffs....


Sooooo Watcha think?

First Chappy, kinda short =\

Sorry if things are confusing right now, tell me if they are and I can clear it up for you.

Not a very exciting chappy, it was just so you could know about Addie's life and how she got her partner! :P

To the right is a picture of Brandi :)

Brandi acually has a VERY big and kinda surprising part in this story, but thats latterrrr

Do you want me to do a chapter on whats happening back in Addie's old Cali neighborhood? TELL ME DOWN BELOW!


Luv Always,



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2012 ⏰

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