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joeys pov
"Anastasia wait " I said running out of breathe
"Joey nows not the time" she said getting into her car
"Please listen to me I want to talk " I said
"Get in " she said
I hopped in her car and we drove off to her house.
At her house she immediately started crying ,
"I loved him" she said trembling
"No Anastasia leave that asshole " I said
"Joey you're no help " she cried into her pillow
"Hey can I use your car " I said
"Whatever" she said into her pillow
I took her car and drove to the mall and the grocery store.
I bought her SO many stuff , hoodies , food because her parents are rarely with her , snacks , perfume, shampoo, lotion , shoes , clothes , and drinks .
I got to her house and yelled out her name . No answer. "ANASTASIA ?!"

Anastasia's pov
I was heartbroken and joey was no help he was just there I missed the friendship we had . I ruined everything. I went to my balcony I wanted to kill myself there were so many things wrong with my life , my parents are never there , me and Charles will never be the same, joey and I's friendship is ruined , I don't have anyone , I'm ugly , I'm stupid , I heard Joey and I honestly didn't care I was at the edge about to jump until , "ANASTASIA?" Joey yelled
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING , WHERE YOU ATTEMPTING TO ?" He grabbed me by my waist
I know you might think  I was exaggerating over a breakup but Charles was my boyfriend and my best friend I couldn't even explain.

joeys pov
Anastasia tried to kill herself . I stopped her thankfully I found her before she would've done something incredibly stupid. I just imagined my life without her and I nearly cried. I finished brining the stuff inside from what I bought and called Anastasia over .
"What do you want" she said so coldly
" I bough you some things " I said
"Joey " she looked at me with the are you serious
She looked through the stuff and smiled .
That smile of hers . Oh my

Anastasia's pov
Joey bought me so much food and Clothes I was happy. Today was a rough day but I feel like with joey around me it'll be a better rest of the day atleast. I almost killed myself because of Charles. Something I'd never thought of doing

HEY GUYS ITS THE LAST DAY OF 2017 I AM TRULY blessed thank you guys for making my opportunity of writing amazing ! You guys are amazing and I don't know what I would've done if didn't write love you all !!🍋🛁✨🌻

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