part 2 of michales house

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joeys pov
I feel like I've changed after that talk I had with Anastasia about having a relationship and stuff because I look into things more seriously and like making her mine for good is the best feeling to think of . She's flawless. The way she makes me feel is unexplainable. Shes currently with Michael and honestly I don't care because she almost had sex with me she's had a rough past and I don't think she'll catch feelings for him again since it was her ex. Im obviously more attractive than him . Anastasia isn't the type to get over things like Charles quick. She'll drag it around for the rest of her life if she could but since im here I'm not gonna let her do that. I still see Charles on the Regular but it's not the same I want to talk to him but he'll come to his senses eventually and talk to me first . I'm going to go visit my mom and my baby brother since they've settled and then hopefully the next day I'll got visit Anastasia but first I need to hit the mall for a few errands.

anastasia's pov
Michael made it seem like he cares like he listens . He was the type to never say "what do you want to talk about" he was always the one that kept a conversation going and from topic to topic. It never ended time passed by quickly with him talking and conversing with him was the best. It's nice knowing someone understands you . It's nice knowing someone likes the same things . Also it's nice to have someone who share different preferences like he has different opinions and different likes . Michael was Opposite to me in many things but we find ways to still elaborate and have a good bond. Conversing with him is like talking to yourself just a different version you know. We talked about our love life and our family and friends. I didn't want it to end

michaels pov
Anastasia is so woke in things I think talking to her makes me want to never stop talking to her . She's so interesting and her thoughts are never ending . I told her I had a girlfriend but we broke up and we're still friends and we still talk I like my ex girlfriend I guess. But Anastasia would never catch feelings for me because were so similar we know it'll ruin it . Maybe one day I'll ask her to come back to me.


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