Chapter 8

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A/N I want to thank my beta for going through this for me.


Gibbs opened the door to the director's office. As soon as he heard the other man on the phone, he was about to leave. Vance looked up and waved him in.

"Eli, Agent DiNozzo hasn't done anything wrong. I'm not getting rid of one of my best agents because your daughter wants it. If Ziva can't handle her problems in a civilised manner and has to run to her father, maybe it's time to end the liaison position. She could go back to Mossad for more appropriate training of how to work within a team and how to deal with people, which is something she obviously needs. This conversation is over."

Gibbs waited until the phone was back into its cradle. "That went well."

Vance chuckled "I was okay until the point he ordered me what to do. We may have to look back at Director Shepard's reign. Did she make a deal with Eli? Is that why the position was created, and Ziva is here?"

"I don't know it always seemed odd to me. At that point, I started to trust her. I should never have let my guard down."

"You're not the only one. I should have looked into things more closely. Why was a Mossad spy, put on the MCRT? She had no experience, and there was no obvious help to Mossad, well apart from the security clearance that would give her access and entry points to other areas."

"We're going to need to check everything she's sent out and all phone calls."

"This is going to be a never-ending headache." Vance rubbed his forehead. "We'll need extra protection for DiNozzo as well."

"McGee and Abby might have helped. I have no idea if it was with knowledge or if they were played." Gibbs took a deep breath. "Abby's taking things for granted, she assumes that she's able to get away with anything. I think it's time proper protocol was brought back into the lab. We, I should have never let it get that far."

Vance nodded and made some notes. "Let's deal with this case and Mossad. After that, we'll deal with her and McGee. He also seems to think that he's allowed to get away with things. I'm going to guess that they encouraged each other when they were in a relationship."

"You've got a lot to sort out Director." Gibbs smiled.

"You mean we, when it comes to these things, you and I are a team. It's the only way to get through to them and to make sure that they can't play us against each other. Let me know how the undercover op goes."

"Will do." He promised as he left the office.


Tony took a deep breath as he walked into Abby's lab. There was a file from a cold case he wanted her to look over. Baltimore PD had called up about it. This had been a case that he'd already been looking into.

"Tony." Abby shrieked, smiled brightly at him. It was clear she was about to hug him.

"We're only work colleagues."

She stopped immediately in her tracks not knowing what to do. "I wanted to talk to you, to apologise."

He almost groaned aloud at the lost little girl act. He had seen her play this so often. "You had that chance, it's gone."

"I'm truly sorry I didn't believe you."

"I'm tired, Abby. I'm tired of pretending to be someone I'm not. I don't want to have friends who will turn on me and not even give me a chance. From now on you and I are not friends."

"You will tell Gibbs that I said sorry won't you?"

Tony laughed it was all about getting Gibbs to forgive her. He was so glad that he hadn't let her off. "Goodbye Abby."

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