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Byun Baekhyun is just a 20-year-old college boy but he seems to find his life to be already this stressful. Practically, he doesn't want to disappoint his father. Never in his life did he want to because his dad has been his role model since God knows when—maybe even before he was born. But after what happens between his older brother and dad, he really don't know what else to do.  Well, their father caught his older brother, Byun Taehyun, kissing another guy. Of course, Taehyun will be a disgrace to the family, according to his father, because he despise homosexual people so much.

Finding a girlfriend so that his father won't suspect him anymore is really hard. Not that he is gay, he just doesn't want to rush things that he will end up regretting. Because technically, if he was the girl and he found out that his partner dated him not because he like him but because of responsibilities, then he would be hurt of course. And he doesn't want any of that to happen. He wanted to tell his father that he's not ready to enter any relationship yet, but it seems that his father has closed his ears.

"Hey." Baekhyun snapped from his thoughts when he heard his best friend, Park Chanyeol, called for him. "Penny for your thoughts."

"Eh? O-oh. It's nothing." He just realized he has been thinking about the same problem over again and he wanted to end it so bad. But doesn't know how. And him being best friends with Chanyeol isn't helping because his father accused him of dating the guy.

"Let me guess, you've been thinking about your father again. Am I right? Or am I right?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at how idiotic this guy beside him is, but then releases a long sigh after. "I just don't know what to do, Chanyeol. I'm scared I'm too late to fix everything and I permanently broken his trust. Like really..."

"I suggest you stop thinking about it for a while. You know, you don't have to stress yourself out about this matter. I bet you also don't want to just grab a girl somewhere and say 'Hey, can you be my girlfriend and I wouldn't take no for an answer?' Because goddammit Baek, that would be super awkward."

The statement made Baekhyun burst into laughter, really. He's really thankful to have his idiot giant best friend by his side all the time. And for sure, he can't ask for more. Who needs a lot friends when you have Park Chanyeol? Who needs a girlfriend when you have Park Chanyeol to care for you all the time?


"This is the first time I would ask this class to work by pair so I hope it would turn out well." His professor said, and he agreed to that because his prof really hates group project. I would rather work all by myself, than a group who's not willing to help. The professor said.

Each pair is assigned to compose a song with a length of at least 3 minutes, and is given full 1 month to prepare and work for the said project. And the composition that caught the professor's heart—which the class found to be a real hard challenge because it is so hard to impress the professor—will be exempted on the next exam.

When the prof had already finished announcing the pairs, the class moved out from their chairs to sit beside their respective partners. So Baekhyun, being the gentleman as he is, decided to move and sit beside his partner Kim Taeyeon. They really don't talk even though they're in the same class. He don't know why, maybe he found her intimidating. And oh, his major is Music.

"Hey," he called, "So, how 'bout after class, is it fine?"


Oh, Baekhyun thought. His classmates are right about Taeyeon only uttering a single word in a conversation. It's kinda awkward for Baekhyun because he know himself he likes to talk a lot, even a non-sense things. But he thought it may annoy Taeyeon if he talks a lot so he isn't sure what else to say. Or if there's anything to say.

"M-my.... I'm Baekhyun." What the fuck, Baek? Seriously? He really don't know why he chose to introduce himself. Well, maybe because Taeyeon isn't familiar with him yet because she doesn't really talk to the class, unless important.

Taeyeon gave him a confused look and just nodded before going back to her own business.


Baekhyun decided to fish his phone out from his pocket and scroll through his Instagram. For the first time, he doesn't feel like talking. For the first in his life, he is afraid to do it. Afraid that if he started to talk, Kim Taeyeon would punch the hell out of it. Afraid that if he talk, he would annoy his partner and never talks to him again, which of course he won't let it to happen. And so, he let silence surround them.

"Hey." He was taken aback by the sudden familiar voice—yet not—that he heard in his right ear. He then, slowly turned his head where the voice came from and look at her with wide eyes. Is she talking to me? Oh my god?

"Why the hell are you looking at me like that? I was about to ask what topic are we going to compose, but never mind." T-that was the longest sentence she said since they started talking!!!  And she cursed!!! If his eyes can get any wider, then yes. He think shock was as understatement he doesn't know what to feel.

"Can you stop looking at me like that? You look stupid, if you don't know."

Baekhyun slapped himself in the face, like literally, to make sure he isn't dreaming. And when he feels hurt, he knows he is not. He think that it is a fucking achievement to make Kim Taeyeon talk and his just so proud of himself because he did it. Yeah, I look stupid.

"What are you doing?" Seriously Byun Baekhyun, stop being a pussy and get a grip. Don't make yourself look at bad on her.

"Yes? O-oh... Nothing haha. Nothing, I'm just shocked that you're talking." Okay, wrong choice of words. But Taeyeon, instead of getting offended, chuckles and shake her head in disbelief.

"Of course I'm talking. I'm not mute, duh"

Baekhyun smiles at her—and I swear anyone who sees it will palpitate. I mean, who wouldn't have, right? "So what time is your dismissal? I would fetch you on your room. This is my last subject for today, though."

"You sure about that?"


"Okay. 3pm, room H345."

"Okay. Noted." Then for the first time, Taeyeon looks at him in the eye and smiled.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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