3. Promoted

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The 10th Doctor yells before driving the flying ship down to Earth with his alien friends.

I shoved a handful of popcorn on my mouth, feeling genuinely upset that I can't be one of the Doctor's companion. Why can't Doctor Who be real and why can't I be the Doctor's new companion? I think I'd make a pretty good one. Doctor, oh Doctor, the mad man with the blue box, where are you? Come and take me away from this strange world.

"Drew, do you want to not spill popcorn everywhere maybe?" My best friend arrives in the living room with her laptop and paperwork. "How was work, by the way?"

"I met a werewolf."

She stopped typing for a minute. She just froze. Then she blinked and nodded. "Okay."

I couldn't help but grin at her reaction. Me too, Eva. Me too.

"Update on America and Russia's war -- " I rolled my eyes and switched the channel. I hate seeing the news now. It's not that I don't care about what is happening in the world. I've just grown tired of it. It's the same shit every time. It's all because of countries fighting because they have fucked up government systems and dumb ass presidents. I think people can solve issues if they actually sit down, talk and think for a little bit. Not just act based on their emotions. They need to actually think. They waste so much time, money and resources from the things they're doing now. They could be saving people, money, and basically making the world a better place if they actually think. But are they doing that? Of course not. But, whatever.

"Arizona and California has been increasing the numbers of missing people and sudden deaths within the past three months and nothing has been found why this is happening. The government stated that -- " Next channel. I hate everything. Why is there so much bad things happening the world? Why can't people just be nice?! Still, at least the news is actually reporting about missing people. Sometimes, they don't. Media is biased now a days.

Seeing as there is nothing else good on TV, I turned it off and finally started on my homework. My Anthropology essay. What is the most interesting thing have you seen within the past few months? Very fitting.

I ended up finishing the essay in about two hours, which is the fastest I've written. After eating dinner with Eva and listening on her team's new robot invention, being an engineer and all, I went to take a long shower. In the shower, my mind drifted back to 17, still finding it hard to believe that a werewolf is still alive today. I cannot get those grey eyes out of my head, and how they make me feel all weird inside.

When I got out of the shower, I heard footsteps just outside the door. "Eva, what do you need?" I asked, opening it. She wasn't there. "Eva?" I asked loudly.

"Yeah?" Her voice sounded nowhere near my room. She was still in the living room. There's only two of us in this apartment. Shit.

"Nothing!" I screamed, walking quickly to my bed to get the baseball bat I hide under it. "Who's here?" I asked quietly, walking around my room. Mind you, I'm wearing nothing but a towel, walking around with a bat. Probably not the best attire to fight someone.

I checked everywhere. I even checked the living room, kitchen and every room in the apartment, but I didn't find anyone else. I've just concluded that I may have just imagined it. So, I called it a day and dove straight to my bed. I did notice though, the room is colder than usual. Colder than other rooms.


"Whaddup, spooky." I greeted the tall boy as I took my seat in my Physics class. His name is Ezra but we call him Spooky because he looks like Fox Mulder from The X-Files and he loves spooky stuff. Then again, everyone in this class do. Just now when I walked in, the group is talking about the missing people that was on the news and they're talking about how it may be aliens or something.

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