Not Your Average Year

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Saturday. The day of the week I look forward to the most. It was on a Saturday that I lost my first tooth, kissed my first boy, won a swimming championship, and learned to drive. You could say Saturdays were my good luck charm. So it was with an exaggerated amount of optimism that I boarded the train that was to take me to Baskerville Academy, School of the Gifted. I had got in on a scholarship in medicinal studies. The superiors at he school chose students based on their extracurricular activities, mine happened to be many volunteer hours at hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers, and other medical facilities. If you couldn't already tell, I was an aspiring doctor. It had actually come as a shock when I received the scholarship in the mail, and my mother was more than happy to send me away from the hell we called home. I was just worried about my father's reaction when mum told him his favorite toy was gone. He had been passed out on the couch after drinking all night and mum made sure I was packed and out the door by nine in the morning. I shuddered at the memories of my father and sent a silent prayer to whoever was listening that my father wouldn't hurt my mum or Harry too much. Shaking the thoughts from my head I finally came across an empty compartment on the train and began to struggle with lifting up my trunk. Being only five foot made hefting the large object above my head rather difficult. Just as the trunk began to slide back and try and crush me, a slender fingered hand appeared and shoved the object all the way into the overhead storage shelf. Turning, I looked up into the pale face of a tall boy. He was exceptionally taller than me with pronounced cheek bones, pink Cupid bow lips, and a full head of curly raven hair. But what was most spectacular about him were his eyes, not exactly blue but not brown or even green either. They were a mixture. All in all the boy was gorgeous. He cleared his throat and my face heated up as I realized I'd been caught staring.

"Thank you" I stuttered as I moved aside to let the boy further into the compartment. He strode past me, his black trench coat whipping round his ankles as he took a seat. I sat across from him and held out my hand. "Jane Watson" I introduced myself.

He just stared disdainfully at my hand and replied in a deep monotonous voice "Sherlock Holmes".


Hi! I'm Rae and this is my first Sherlock fic! This is a femlock johnlock teenlock story. Phew, that's a lot of locks. Oh, and there will be one sided Johniarty! Anyways, this story will get graphic, sexually and violence wise. There will be abuse and mentions of rape, so be warned. This is also typed on my iPod, so please forgive me of mistakes. I proof read, but I am far from perfect. Also I am an American idiot, so my language usage will not be very British. However, feel free to comment with suggestions! Well thanks for reading you gorgeous Sherlockians, and adios!

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