My reality

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Just a crippled girl, living in a crazy world
Uncertain what tomorrow will bring
Walking toward my destiny
don't know what's best for me.... yet
Living' the college life, doing what's right
Almost to the finish line, that degree is mine
Science major, working on trying to make a change in the world
Living each day that God grants as my last
For tomorrow or the next day is not promised
But I do know one thing, I AM WHO I AM
I don't let my physical barriers define me
I walk with what?
I wear braces to correct the position of my feet

You see, that doesn't stop me from marching to my OWN beat
I may stumble, I may fall
But every step I take, I give it MY ALL
'Cause that's all I can give
Assumptions by strangers made

Eyes lay upon my physique

Unique...that's what I am

Just A Crippled Girl trying to figure out who I am

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