Chapter Three

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Jaidons POV
3 Days
    I gulped nervously as I pulled into Ashton's driveway. I had to tell my older brother that I was moving but I didn't want to. He was so overprotective so he'd already be mad but the fact I was living with two men? He was gonna wanna rip my head right off my shoulders. What makes it even worse is that him and Brian hate each other. You may be wandering why they hate each other. Well, grab a beer and sit back, let me tell you the story.
     "We were just riding horses at his dad's farm and we lost track of time!" I yell at Ashton while crying. Brian walks up and runs his hands up and down my arms in attempt to calm me down. We had really been riding horses and just lost track of time. It was winter so it got dark earlier. I didn't know I was passed curfew.
     "Yeah sure! You were riding horses." Ashtons yells sarcastically. "That probably means you were riding his di-" he began but Brian interrupted him.
     "Don't you finish that sentence!" He yelled. "What is wrong with you? The girl is crying because of you and you think it's okay to scream at her even more?! It was one mistake! You've came home drunk, high, or with a girl clung to your arm and has she ever yelled at you? No. She's covered for you!" Brian yelled towering over Ashton. Ashton wasn't no small boy but put him next to Brian and he is.
     "Because shes a worthless, wannabe, walk over just like you!" He screamed in his face making me break into more sobs.
    "Okay you can say whatever you want about me but you leave Jaidon out of this!" Brian growls infuriated.
    "I'll say whatever I want about her. I own her. Do you hear me pretty boy? I own Jaidon Reed Destiny Myers. She. IS. Mine." He growled smirking. He crossed the line then. Brian grabbed him by his throat and lifted him eye to eye with him.
      "You do NOT own her. She is her own person and you are just a punk. You will not treat her as you own her, otherwise we will have problems. Do I make my self clear?" Brian growled in his ear. He didn't even give him time to answer before he threw him in the ground. He calmed and slowly walked to me. "Come on, darlin'. You're staying at my place tonight."
End of flashback
     I shook my head to clear my thoughts and knocked.
     "Come in." Ashtons girlfriend, Mindy, yelled. I opened the door and saw my brother sitting on the couch, Mindy cooking.
     "Hey sis." He smiled.
      "Hey Ash. I need to tell you something."
      "Tell me." He smiled softly.
I breathed in hesitantly and say down. "I'm moving to Nashville with Brian and Tyler." I say quickly. Within the 5 seconds I tell him, his jaw clenched and his face went red.
      "WHAT? YOU'RE LIVING WITH TWO GROWN MEN? ALONE?" He growled loudly.
    I  wanted to scream but I calmed before speaking. "Yes, we are going to be living in an house in Nashville so they can try out music."
     "No! You are not moving in with them."
     "I'm not asking for your permission Ashton, I came to tell you this. I don't  want me leaving to cause problems."
    He breathed in. "You're right. You're 22, I can't control you." He said as calmly as possible.
     "Thank you. Now, I need to go pack. I love you." I say hugging him. "Bye Mindy. "
     "Bye Jai." She smiled. I went home and packed before going to bed for a few hours.

Next chapter will either be the going away party or they are moved in with everything settled. This is a more lengthy chapter because I had a lot of time to write. We had to drive to Somerset, Kentucky (to go see my older brother) which is a 3 hour drive from my house.

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