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your pov

"nope, i'm not going in there." you shook your head as you looked through the window of the cafe.

bronte rolled her eyes, "you literally spoke to him two days ago! what's different now?"

you turned towards bronte and looked her in the eyes, "well you see, i'm flippin sober now!"

"you're going, (y/n)." maisie said as she pushed you into the cafe and over to the four boys, "hello boys," maisie smiled at jack, wyatt, jaeden and finn, while you just glared at wyatt.

watching all your friends take a seat, you gave in and took one next to jaeden, who you didn't mind one bit. you looked over at jaeden and smiled, which he returned.

"wyatt, (y/n), yous need to talk." bronte said, looking between you two.

you shook your head, "nope not happening!" you go to stand up, but you're pulled back down by an apologetic jaeden, "i'm sorry," he whispered into your ear before him, jack and finn got up and left, followed by your idiotic friends.

wyatt waited for them to leave before he looked over at you, "i am really sorry, (y/n), i didn't mean for us to end up like this?"

you laughed at him, "first of all, us? from what i've heard you're doing just fine," you shook your head, you couldn't believe what he was saying. "second of all, you knew what you were getting into when our whole relationship thing started, so don't pull that shit with me and third of all, go choke on my big toe, you piece of shit!"

wyatt put his head in his hands and groaned before looking back up at you, "(y/n), you know i didn't mean for this to end up like this, you know how much i loved and cared for you."

you scoffed at his words, "key terms: loved and cared, both past tense. you're just like the rest of them," you rolled your eyes at his stupidity and stood up, "you know what wyatt, i hope you have a great life, i truly do because well you see, i still care for you, don't contact me again, asshole." and with that you stormed out of the cafe, leaving a shocked wyatt behind.

you felt good after letting all of your feelings out to him, you felt like you could start anew, hopefully with someone who was nothing like wyatt oleff.

beside you ( wyatt oleff ! )Where stories live. Discover now