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The next day I found the Nightray boy in the School yard. Like Leo told me. I decided to confess him my feelings. I was really nervous but I want this shit to be over. So I sat beside him, and read a book. After a short time I eventually asked. " Amm Nightray about the question yesterday.... You wanted to know who I'm in love with...?" Elliot looked at me with his stunning blue eyes. My heart started skipping. "So you want to tell me?" I could feel my cheeks burning. I was so nervous that I couldn't even look into his eyes. "Do you want to know?"He looked at me with a expression that said 'just say'. "Elliot..." I muttered. The named person looked at me in confusion. "Since when do you call me by my first name? Is it that bad?" I looked at him. My cheeks now completely read. He didn't get it? Did he? I was so nervous and confused. I wasn't able to do something other than starring at him. "Come one don't make a fuss about that! You started it. You mustn't come up with that question if you don't want to tell me. I already said it is okay! And why are you blushing so hard? Is it that bad to tell me who you are in love with? Like I already said I wouldn't tell anyone!!" Now the Nightray boy was angry. Dam it he really didn't get it. Arg... such an idiot. "How dare you! I already told you, a minute ago! "Now I was angry too. "When ?" He asked confused. "Elliot! ... His name is Elliot ... Elliot Nightray..." I muttered, suddenly I thought my shoes interesting. Elliot jumped a little. "What?"

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