Where is my muse?

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Where is she?

I never believed in this thing that has been killing me the past week. I figured since I'm writing about my life, I'd never run out of things to write about. I have plenty to write about but it's a matter of putting it on paper. The sentences I have been throwing up have been just that, vomit. I wrote better sentences when I was a child.

Oh Where, oh where has my beautiful muse gone, to take away this dreadful writer's block?
I'm staring at a blank page or screen, trying to write the story of how I got clean.

I've stared at pics of my past. All sorts of things come to mind but I can not write them down in my style or voice.
I know the next part I'm writing about. I have half of it written but it just sounds like absolute shit.
Anyways, thank you to all the readers out there who have been following my story. There's still a lot to go and I know y'all would like to see some more. Please just bare with me. It's coming.
Btw, if you see my muse, send her neglectful ass my way. K thanks.

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