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    Natalia walked into McDonalds only wearing a pear of grey sweats, a black sweatshirt nd some converse

    "Hard time?" Caroline, her friend who works at McDonald's, asks

    "They're fighting again" Natalia sighs

"I'll get you your usual. On me" Carolina smiles

"Thank you" Natalia smiles back and walks to a table

"Excuse me" Natalia heard a British accent

She looks up and sees a girl with curly hair up to her shoulder

"What's the best ice cream here?" She asks

"The Oreo McFlurry" Natalia smiled

"Thank you" the girl smiles back and went to go order

Natalia continues to stare at her

Natalia loved her hair. She loved the way she talked with her British accent

After a while the girl sits down across from her

"I'm Millie" the girl says

"I'm Natalia. I must say I love your hair!" Natalia smiled

Millie had a surprised look on her face, for Natalia didn't recognize her

"What's wrong?" Natalia asks

"Oh, it's nothing" Millie smiles

"So Millie, what are you doing here at 1 am" Natalia asks her

"I'm having a hard time. You?"

"Me too. Tell me about this 'hard time'"

"Everyone keeps shipping me and my friend, Finn, together. When I hand out with another boy or girl they get very upset! I just want to hang out with somebody without people getting mad! I'm also stressing out to much. I have to wake up at 5 everyday and I get back home at around 11. Oh I'm so sorry! I must be rambling" Millie gushes out

    "It's fine! And what do you mean 'boy or girl'?" Natalia asks

    "Oh, I'm bi" Millie says

    "Good to know" Natalia says as she winks

    "Now, why are you here?" Millie asks her

    "Be prepared" Natalia chuckles

    "My parents had me at 18. They drink a lot. They fight a lot. I get bullied at school everyday. I get abused. I just can't with life. Tomorrow I start shooting this show and I haven't even finished watching the 1st and 2nd season! I'm so stressed out. My parents were fighting again so I couldn't take it. I left and came here. My usual hang out spot at these times" Natalia explains

"It seems like your life is harder than mine" Millie chuckles

"I'm used to it" Natalia shrugs

The 2 started talking and got very close

"I should get going now" Natalia says

"Wait, here. Bye!" Millie says as she gives Natalia a piece of paper

She looks confused but walks home

When she gets in her room she opens up the piece of paper

Call me :)

Natalia smiled to herself and goes to back to start watching the second season of Stranger Things

    "No way! That's Millie!" Natalia exclaims once Eleven (with longer hair) pops up on the screen

That night, Natalia managed to fall asleep with only one thing on her mind. Millie

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