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a/n eleventh chapter, wink wonk ;) also the italics are in Spanish. Ight ight

    Natalia woke up and realized Millie wasn't there

Natalia quickly gets out of the room to see he cast there with Millie

    They all turned to look at her as Millie walks up to her

    "They woke up a while ago" Millie whispers

    "Why don't you take a shower while I explain to them everything" Millie tells Natalia

    "Okay" Natalia nods as she gives Millie a half smile

Natalia came out with a fresh pair of leggings and a sweatshirt

"Oh my gosh! Sweetie I'm so sorry" Winona says as she gives Natalia a hug

"It's okay" Natalia whispers

"We have to tell the police" Shawn says

"I think it's the best choice" David sighs

"Is that alright with you?" Millie asks Natalia

"Put the son of a bitch in jail" Natalia says

"But, just not my mom" Natalia sighs

"Why?" Shawn asks

"It isn't her choice to hit me, my dad. He makes her" Natalia explains

"How? By saying he's gonna break up with her?" Gaten asks

Natalia shakes her head

"By saying he is gonna kill me and my little brother" Natalia replies

"She's really nice to me when he's at work. I got confused so I asked. I asked why she was nice to me. She then told me that her threatened to kill me and my baby brother, Alejandro. She tries to make it up It me, but she can't stop my dad" Natalia explains

"He hits my mom too" Natalia adds

    "We need their address. And tell your mom to leave and come here" Shawn tells Natalia

    Natalia goes to grab a piece of paper and writes her parents address down

    "I'll go call my mom" Natalia sighs and goes into Millie's room

    "I feel so bad for her" Sadie sighs

    "She's just a 16 year old" Natalia Dyer says

    "I plan to make this right" Millie sighs

    "Mom, you need to leave the house. Now" Natalia tells her mother, Rosa

    "What why?" Rosa asks

    "The director for Stranger Things, he's calling the police on Dad. I need you to take Alejandro and leave. Pack your bags and come to the hotel" Natalia explains

    "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him sooner, I really wish I could" Rosa says with sadness in her voice

    "It's okay Mom, just come over. Pack your bags" Natalia smiles, even if her mom couldn't see her

    "I'll be there in an hour. Bye" Rosa says

    "I'll send the address. Bye" Natalia replies and hangs up the phone

    The moment Rosa told Natalia she left the house, Shawn immediately called the police

    Natalia smiled to herself knowing she was going to be safe again

    "I missed your smile" Millie tells Natalia

    Natalia blushes and keeps smiling

    "Thank you" Natalia tells Millie

    "For what?" Millie asks

    "For comforting me last night" Natalia smiles

    "Oh, it was nothing. I had to make sure you were okay" Millie blushes

    Natalia pulls her into a hug

   They were so close, that Natalia's breath hitches

    The both started leaning in until, Gaten ran into their room

    "Pizza is here!" Gaten yells

    Millie and Natalia quickly jumped away from each other

    "Coming!" Millie tells Gaten as she follows him out

   Natalia sighs and sits on the bed

    She was so close to kissing her crush

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