1: Rose Petals and Coffee

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Bing! Bing!

Ugh, my fucking alarm. Man..is this bad paying job even worth it?
Shutting off my alarm, I rolled out of bed. How I wish I could collapse back on it.
Stumbling to my bathroom, I looked in the mirror.
My matted deep purple hair looks like shit.
While brushing, I decide to put it in a simple ponytail.
After washing my face, doing my makeup, and showering, time to get dressed.
My Starbucks uniform is wrinkled, but who cares.

Once I arrived at my job, I was greeted by my boss, Kate.
"I'm gonna be out today, so tell the others. Also, it might be a slow day." She said before leaving.
After about 28 minutes, the small starbucks was almost full. So much for a slow day.
As I was reading on my phone, I heard a male's voice.
"Hey, um could I get a coffee, and a blueberry muffin?"
I look up, and my eyes meet his.
Shawn Mendes !
After taking a second to pause , I said
"Sure um. Anna! Get a coffee ready." I reached down to grab one of the blueberry muffins on display.
"Are you ..Shawn Mendes? " I asked, setting the muffin down.
He smiled with his white teeth. 
"Yeah, I am. Nice to meet you, what's your name?"
I blushed, and grabbed the hot coffee from Anna, and set it down.
"I'm Kamren. With a K,"
"Kamren with a K. How much will this be?"
"5.34$ please."
He reached into his wallet, and pulled out two hundred dollars.
"Um , I can't take this. "
"Aww , come on."
"Okay. . Enjoy your food."

While the handsome brunette was eating, I couldn't keep my eye off him.
Even after he finished, he came back moments later, and left again.

While wiping down the tables, I got to his, only to see a few rose petals.
On one of the petals was taped a paper, with a phone number. 

Petals and Coffee started it all.

Lame Love Story (Shawn Mendes f.f)Where stories live. Discover now