5: Date night

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After my shift was over, I gossiped with Anna and Cassie about what happened .
"So he's picking you up today?"
"Yep, he should be here soon.."

Just as I said that, the door opened.
Stepping in Shawn.
Anna and Cassie both squealed at the same time,  before rushing to pretend as if they were cleaning.
I giggled to myself before greeting the god in human form.

"Hello Shawn,"
"Hey Karmen with a K," he responded with his famous smile.
"Are you gonna call me that forever?" I asked, giggling before grabbing my purse off the counter.
"Yep. And we'll stop at your house so you can get ready, then we'll head to dinner." He said, holding the door open for me.

I waved Anna and Cassie goodbye, and got into the limo parked in front.
Shawn sat next to me, and he asked about my day, what highschool did I go to, etc.
Shortly after, we parked in the building parking lot.

Running into the entrance, I let myself in. I sped to the nearest elevator, smashing the white button.
Once it opened, I darted in, smashing the 3rd floor button .
Finally arriving at my floor, I fumbled with my keys, and eventually let myself in and closed the door.

Rushing into my room, I made sure Custard was fed, before running to the bathroom with my makeup bag.
Reapplying highlight , and dark red lipstick, I now needed to find something to wear.
Tearing off my uniform, I rushed to my closet.
After almost 3 years it felt like , I picked out a short pink strapless dress, with a pink faux fur jacket,  and white heels.
After getting all ready, I kissed Custard goodbye, and headed out.

Finally I made it to the parking lot. Tapping on the window, I grabbed Shawn's attention.
He opened the door and let me in. He seemed like he couldn't stop staring.
The limo driver drived out the parking lot, and started down the road.
I looked at Shawn, who was still staring.
"You okay?,"
"Um..yeah . You look really nice Karmen with a K,''
"Well thank you Mendes,"
He smiled and tapped his finger on his chin, pretending to think.
"Do you like swimming by any chance? "
"Yeah it's fun. But probably not tonight. I have no swims-"
"Don't worry about that. After dinner, we can go get you one. Then visit the beach,"
"Are you sure?,"
"Yes, trust me I'm sure Karmen with a K,"

Soon after, the limo parked in front of a very fancy looking restaurant. I couldn't even pronounce the name.
Shawn opened my door, and I stepped out. He closed the door and grabbed my hand,  before we entered the restaurant.
Our waiter seated us, and we looked at the huge menus written in cursive. 

After selecting what we wanted to eat, Shawn looked up at me. 
"So..what do you do for fun?,"
"Well..I like writing and art quite a lot. I also do acting,"
"Sounds really cool. Are you a fan of me, as mean as it sounds.."
"Nah it's fine, I've been a fan for about a year now,"
"Wow, that's great to know,"
"Anything you do besides singing?,"
"Well, ya know I'm working on a few music videos, been hanging out with friends more,"
"How's it like being so famous?"
"I'm not thatt famous. But it has it's ups and downs."

After a conversation about our lives and stuff, we were served.
While I ate, I could feel eyes on me. I didn't know if it was Shawn or not.
Looking up, Shawn was so engrossed in his food. It couldn't be him.
Scanning the room, I came across a lady who had a big black hat on, black sun glasses, and all black attire. Her stare was on me.
I felt uncomfortable, and looked back at my food. Who is that lady?

Once we ate, we did in fact stop at shops to get me a bathing suit.
I ended up choosing a white one piece with straps in the back.
Shawn insisted on paying,  and we left with my new bathing suit.
Before I knew it, we arrived at the beach.
Shawn was excited, and sprinted from the limo and jumped right in the water.
I however,  changed in the limo. After I did so, I cannonballed into the cold water. Splashing Shawn in the process.
Shawn took it as war, yelled a battle cry, and splashed a ton of water at me.
This meant war.

Lame Love Story (Shawn Mendes f.f)Where stories live. Discover now