Find Us VS Make Us prt 1

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Things to remember
Y/N ~ Your Name
E/C ~ Eye Color
H/C ~ Hair Color
H/L ~ Hair Length
F/F ~Favorite Food
F/S ~ Favorite Song
F/C ~ Favorite Color
F/A ~ Favorite Animal
F/AN ~ Favorite Anime
N/N ~ Nickname
F/D ~ Favorite Drink
F/FL ~ Favorite Flower
I'll add more if I have too
Italics ~ Your thoughts

Don't Play the song until I tell you to•

~ After winter break ~

"Y/N! Come on!" Garroth yelled as I ran into the car and turned the key. I over slept on the morning of the first day back to school.
"Sorry! Sorry! Not all of us can just run their fingers through their hair and be perfect!" I laugh.
"Hey! You think I just wake up like this?" Garroth yelled and I rolled my eyes and we quickly drove to school! I wanted to get there as fast as possible because I got to see Laurence! Mr. Zyhal got tickets to Peru from his company so they've been there all week. We pulled into the parking lot and I jumped out of the car and ditched my brothers! They can survive without me for a few minutes, right?

I walked to the main entrance and push through people to get to the fountain, which was now frozen. I looked around and saw Vyald and Sasha laughing over something, Zane was leaning against the gate on his phone, Garroth and Aphmau were talking and I saw Julie sitting under a nearby tree reading. I still felt really bad about the whole thing that happened at the show, she must have felt even worse! I sat in the ledge of the fountain and got a text.

 I still felt really bad about the whole thing that happened at the show, she must have felt even worse! I sat in the ledge of the fountain and got a text

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(A/N ~ Ignore my spelling typo, I'm to lazy to go fix it!)

I sighed and smiled at my phone. Students rushed to the doors and I waited for my brothers. Zane and Garroth got there fast, but all we were waiting in was Vylad. After 5 minutes of waiting for him to join us, he finally showed up!
"Where have you been?! You know tradition!" I asked and Sasha glared at me. I hated that she was his girlfriend so much! Vyald scratched the back of his head and looked away. Sasha gave him a kiss on the cheek and walks inside. I grab Garroth and Zane's hands, and Zane holds his hand out for Vyald. Vylad hesitantly takes it and we walk inside. As soon as we're inside, I walk right past Vylad and hit his shoulder. I open my locker and throw my books inside angrily.

"Uh, sorry for being late?" I hear someone say behind me and I turn around so I could yell at them, but stopped. Laurence was standing behind me with a F/FL and a bag. I smiled and gave him a big hug!
"It's not you! I'm just happy your back you weirdo!" I yell and give him a kiss. He hands me the bag and puts the flower behind my ear. I eagerly open the bag and take out a snow globe that had a heart shaped island with a pam tree and letters in the sand that said 'PREU'. I put the snow globe on the shelf in my locker and gave Laurence a kiss on the cheek. "Tell me all about the trip!" I laughed and took Laurence's hand. He opened his mouth to talk, but we both walked into something and fell to the floor. I held my head and helped Laurence up. The person on the floor stayed down and looking down.

Is This What Love Feels Like (Laurence x Reader) *HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now