⚡️P A R T O N E⚡️

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this is a book I started a while ago, that I'm just gonna republish for the fun of it. I'm not really good at first chapters/ intros but by the time the upcoming chapters are posted things will get more interesting, trust me on that one. Anyways enjoy the book👻

Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD), is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.

Tatianna's Pov

I swallow down the potent drink, staring at the guy in front of me . This is the third guy i've been with this week . This guy looked fine, but this was strictly business. I really just wanted to fuck him and dash. But he wants to take things slow.  I know what you're  thinking. "You don't respect your body enough why are you selling your body" Well , i'm doing it for a good cause.

— Flashback.

I was only 14, my thick arms wrapped around my science textbook. I watched as my mother's boyfriend threw her with so much force on the couch. "Where the fuck is my money?" My mom was a heroin addict.  Every chance she got she'd use it. Every day she would be in the corner with the needle poking it in her skin.  She paid more attention to the drug than to us. Us meaning my old sister by 2 years Tiana and my biological father. Anyways , Carlos is the man she always got the Heroin from , in fact all the drugs she has come from him. Ever since her younger sister died of  breast cancer. She was depressed. 

Instead of talking to someone about her problems, she turned to drugs. " I-I-I don't have it Carlos" My mom stuttered looking up at him fear in her eyes.  He slammed his hands on the coffee table, "What the hell. Tamara, you know you're supposed to pay me" Since my mom got addicted to heroin  and white horse  she lost her job as a accountant. So my dad is the provider of the family.

He's well aware that my mom sleeps with others guys, he's only here because of me and Tiana Carlos punches my mom in her pretty face, screams escape my moms mouth. "Momma"I cry watching her get beat. Carlos looks over at me a smirk on his face. His dick begins to grow hard as he looks at me, i had my tanks top on and small boy shorts.  I hated the look he was giving me. He left my mom laying on the couch. She didn't say anything to try and stop him.She just watched. Carlos walked towards me, he pulled me to my room. Laying me down on the bed.

Let's just say i'm not a virgin anymore. After he did what he did he told me "You are never going to be shit, you hear me. You and your dumb ass mother.
The only way you pay for things is your pussy you hear me ?" He said . I nod scared as hell. My kitty was throbbing and just after started to bleed. Weeks later , i found out i was pregnant. I had to drop out of grade nine. Walking on the street everyone looked at me with disgust not knowing that i was raped.  My momma continued to use heroin. She starts mixing it with other shit too. Carlos was always around making sure that Momma was bringing all the money to him. But Momma couldn't afford it.

As soon as i turned 16, I met a guy named Sizzle he was a pimp, and he said that me working for him would be the best thing that has ever happened to me . Me being desperate to help my mom continue to be happy. I agreed with him and started. After 3 months I realized that I was nothing and I didn't get paid anything, he was just using me and other females to make money. So I made my own advertisements, running away from him and started to sell my body to help my mom pay him back. I made sure each time that I would help her.

-end of flash back-

Back to the point. This fine man in front of me didn't wanna fuck and leave. He wanted to have a conversation and I wasn't for it. I wanted to fuck, get my money and go. I sighed.

"What do you wanna know?" I asked him. Playing with my glass. His house looked very nice, I know he didn't have a normal job to afford this house.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes, kissing my teeth. I hate when everyone asks me this, step into my life and you'll understand the fuck why.

"That doesn't matter" I said, "next"

"What's your name?" He asked. He was really attractive. Something about him just had me feeling a certain way. He licked his lips and looked me in my eyes.

"That doesn't matter" I said. One thing I never do is give out my real name. Sizzle knew my real name, and he knows a lot of people. Someone can add two and two together and I'm back in his dealings. I don't want that, so gotta play it safe.

"Well, I'm Marcus" he said

My phone began to vibrate in my trench coat pocket. Tiana was calling, I excused myself and walked to the bathroom. I answered.

"Tatianna" Tiana said, she sounded scared. On her side of the phone you could hear shouting and glass breaking. "I think I did something bad" I hung up Walking out the washroom, to the kitchen.

"I have a family emergency"' I told him. He nodded looking disappointed. I walked towards the door putting on my black shoes. A whole outfit and night wasted. As I was about to leave, he pulled me back. Handing me a lot of bills.

"Please come again" he said. I looked at him and the money. Of course I'll be coming again, he rich rich. I didn't say anything, I just walked out.

I walked to my black bmw. Driving home. When I got home, you could hear the loud noises. Neighbours standing outside, wondering what's going on. I'm usto this sort of thing.

"Finally you're back, I thought I'd have to call the cops" my neighbour said. My whole neighbourhood knows my mothers a crack head, and that she has these loud episodes. 

I took my keys out my pocket. Unlocking the door.
"You fucking dumb ass Tiana" my mother was  beating the shit out tiana.

"Mom stop" I yelled. She wouldn't stop. So I grabbed Tiana. I brought her upstairs.

"what did you do tiana" I yelled. I didn't want to yell at her, but it just came out.

"I-I-I broke her needles, and and threw away her stuff. I don't want her to be like this." Tiana said crying. She laid down in her bed, going under the sheet holding her pillow. "I don't wanna live like this no more. I don't want to live"

"Shut up with that shit, Ti." I said. I hate when she gets like this. "What did I tell you about it. Tamara, she needs it. Stop being so damn stupid"I yelled at her again.

"I'm not fucking done with you" my mothers footsteps were loud as she walked up the stairs. "Tiana where the fuck are you"

"Hide in your bathroom, do not open the door until I text you that its okay to come out" I said.

I opened the door, my mother tried pushing me down. I pushed that bitch back. Don't touch me.
"Tatianna, move the fuck out my way. Where is tiana"

"Obviously not here." I told her. She kept trying to push me, a half broken bottle was in her hand and I knew she was gonna try and hit me or Tiana with it.

I out of nowhere began to cry falling too the floor, something I hate with my whole disorder. My mom pushed pass me and she unlocked the washroom door.

A scream and the sound of the glass breaking rang through my ears.

How was it?
Short Chapter I know. But upcoming chapters will be much longer.
Bye love ♥️

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