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I stared the judge in the eye, not daring to show any signs of guilt, fear, nor suspiciousness

"Here again Mr.Gaulden" the ignorant ass judge gave me a death glare.

"Out the flap" I smirked keeping my hands behind my back

I looked over at my lawyer as he began to speak

"Your honor, my client is being falsely accused of something he had no involvements of" he looked the judge in his face with the same stare I gave.

The plaintiff looked over at us and scoffed

"Your honor, this young man is a menace to society, why would you believe them?" He argued. His comment kind of through me off, a nigga cant eva win for fuckin losing, ain't it obvious that im tryna change myself for the better? If I wasnt I woulda just knocked his head off for disrespecting me like that.

His slick as comment turned into an argument between the two lawyers

"Order in the court" Judge Williams smashed his gavel against his loud ass sound block.

"We have one willing to testify" the judge spoke again once they were quiet.

I just sat in my seat confused, who the fuck ?

"A'lanna Woods please make your way up to the stand" he told her. My eyes widened from her name, and as I watched her stand, I held my head down the whole time she walked.

I didn't have the guts to face her right now, not like this at least

I listened as he made her place her right hand on the bible swearing to tell the truth

"The gun found on scene belonged to our accuser, correct?" He asked her

"That's right" she nodded her head looking at me before looking away

"And our accuser was on scene, correct?" He asked her, she was silent for a second making me look at her just as she replied.

"Incorrect" she answered making confusion circle throughout the room.

"And how would you be so sure of that?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

"Because I was there" she lied. I started to object, but the look she gave me made me know not to play with her

"But, our accuser did pull the trigger, right?" The judge was kind of questioning himself for asking the question

"Incorrect" she answered.

"And how would you know?" He asked confusing us all more than what we already were.

"Because" she paused looking out at me "because I pulled the trigger"

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