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May 26th 2022

He's just not ready yet. Are you sure you want to go through with this? He's violent and he cannot interact with other people. He refuses to see his counselor. What will happen if he gets to a school and hurts someone? Or better yet what if he ends up hurting himself? He's a great kid smart to but just is not ready for all the judging that is going to be coming his way. Maybe he should just stay homeschooled. His heart is just way to fragile for the public. Even if he proves you to be right he will still be wrong. There is no way he will be ready for all the judgement. No matter how much or how hard you try to teach him that everything will be fine he will still hate anything else. He can't even stay calm under pressure. What will you do if he has a panic attack during school and people find out what's wrong with him? He gets scared if someone even brushes up against him. What will you do if he hurts someone because he's scared or hurting? Do not let this happen. He will hurt someone and it will be your fault for letting him go to school. Do you even understand how many times I've had to get him out of a holding cell for hurting someone in just this one year? I beg of you please consider what I am saying he's a good person but he's just not ready. He doesn't eat much and he hurts himself way to much to just be out in the open. His attitude has not gotten any better even with the we have been given him. He still will not behave no matter where we are. If you truly believe and that's a hard truth to be telling yourself but if you truly believe that he is ready take a chance. I surly won't be there when you do. Just think about it his emotions are all over the place. He has no idea how to feel about any of this. How do you think he will take all of the changes in his life. The boy is crazy he does not need to be around people like you think he does. Will you please get over the little hope you have that he will stop being this way. I'm pretty sure he appreciates the hope you have for him but give up your hope does nothing for his mental and physical health. I'm not saying he's hopeless just that he's not worth all the time and money you put in to his mental brake downs. So you should just give up and put him in a mental health hospital or something. Because until he learns to not hurt himself he needs not to be able for people to get into his head. And I'm sure you knew about all the drugs and alcohol he's been consuming and already has consumed. I think it's about time for you to know about what he has been doing. Just think about it if you took care of him and his troboles would you put him in school? No afense but you don't know how to take care of the judgement of a trobuled child. And nethier will the teachers know what to do when he loses it. Get over it the boy is crazy you should not put so much faith that you have for him in him. It's aburden to you him and everyone else that has to be around you both. I will not i refuse to be humilated by the public because of the hope you have for this trobled boy. I will not ruin my reputation and name for your silly thoughts.

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