The Beast Inside

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A new day, a new secret

Interconnected like webs, these lies

They make me despise

The monster I’ve become

Like a giant arachnid, always afraid

That I will get trapped inside,

My own fabrications,

Cause my own demise

Because in the end I’m hurting no one more

Than myself.

Yet here I go, again and again

Spindling stories that never seem to end

They never give up, they never stop

Until they’ve consumed me, filled me up

They’re flowing over now and they’re breaking through

The walls of pretence that I’ve managed to construct

Are making a final attempt to keep the deceits bound like fraying chains

Holding back dragons that breathe pure destruction,

Like animals that will tear away at my reputation,

Like trolls that will knock out my perseverance

The perseverance it took me to become someone I wanted to be

To devise the perfect personality

Or so they thought

Because that’s what I wanted them to think

That I was this perfect human being.

Untouchably flawless, with nothing abysmal to see,

When really, it was just me

Projecting my desires rather than the things

That truly



Made me me.

No facades.

No masks.

Oh how I wish

I could undo this mess

Unravel the threads holding this charade together,

How I desire to see

The intricacies of my mesh

Fall apart

Revealing the bare



Identity that is honestly me

How I hunger to break free

Of this shell of dishonesty

Break free

From this beast of a body which ensnares me

Break free

Up, through the skin, moulting my deceptions like a snake shedding,

Leaving everything behind

Break free, just break free

From the lies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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