-Part one

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Normal POV
Katsuki Bakugou, a newly debuted hero was on patrol with his partner, Uraraka Ochako. It was a peaceful night but then all of a sudden a explosion occurs. They both look at each other, then they started to run toward the explosion. When they get there they see a group of villains trying to break down buildings. Uraraka start to call back up as Bakugou jumps into action. He runs toward the villains, hitting each one with an explosion. As he continued to fight he heard a yell coming from a near by building. He ran as quick as possible. A woman was about to fall out of it. He quickly jumped into action, catching the woman as she fell. The woman thanks him and runs to the side lines. Luckily other hero started to come to help. Todoroki was able the ice the building which helped the building from collapsing. As Bakugou was about to punch one of the villains he hears a cry. At first he doesn't put much mind to it, trying to ignore it. But he then realizes the crying sounded like a baby, he looked around his surroundings. He noticed it was coming from an ally way. He finishes the beating the crap out of a villain he goes to the ally way. He looks around. He then sees a box. He sees a baby wrapped in blanket. He kneels down to inspect it.
"What the hell is this thing doing here?"
He picks up the baby, cradling it in his arms making sure to be gentle. As soon as the baby was in his arms it stop crying.
"Ground zero! Where are you!?"
He hears them calling him. He leaves the ally way with the baby. As soon as he leaves, he gets crowed by reports, asking him questions.
"How do you feel?"
"Do you think this incident will happen again?"
"Are you sure you'll be able to protect the city?"
"Why are you carrying a baby?"
"Is there romance going on between you a uravity?"
"Are you aiming to become the #1 hero?"
The reporters wouldn't stop asking questions. Bakugou started to get annoyed.
"Get the fuck out of my way!" He says with an angry look, scaring them off. He starts to walk to an ambulance that came for the accident. As he walks his partner walk next to him.
"Hey where did you get the baby from?"
He looks at her a bit annoyed.
"Found it in a box during the fight."
"You know its a girl right?"
He starts to walk faster. As he reachs the ambulance, he gives the baby to one of the first aids. The baby starts to cry as she taken away to a near by hospital. Bakugou felt a little pain in his heart feeling pity for the abandoned child. Uravity was about to talk but stoped her self. She remembered how much he hated people helping him. He thought they felt pity for him, that they thought he was weak.
"We have to go back to the office, and fill out reports."
Bakugou looks at her, then looks away.
"Hey *cough* do you think I can go to the hospital?" Uravity looked at him. Questioning why he'd wanna go there. Then remembering about the baby he was holding before.
"Yeah we can go. BUT first lets get changed into civilian cloths."
He looks at her.
"What in the fuck do you mean we? I didn't fucking ask you to come with me!" She looks at him then looks away.
"Come on its already late."
She leaves as Bakugou curse under his breath.
Time skip...
Bakugou POV
I'm in my car driving to the hospital. It'd be a peaceful drive... If this bitch wasn't with me. I wanted to see if the baby was ok. Its pretty fucking odd that there was a baby at the scene. To be honest I don't know why angel face wanted to come. She is annoying but I see her when I get to my apartment anyways. Yes. Me and her live together. Why? Well because it saves money, and we also fucking work together. And my apartment is close to the agency. She pays half of rent. We arrive to the hospital I walk in to see the boss just standing there. I walk pass him with angle face behind me.
"You're here about the abandon baby you found today. Correct?" He says with that fucking face of his.
"Yeah why the fuck are you asking."
He looks at and smiles, which pisses me off.
"She on the third floor..."
I stay quite for a sec then walk away to the elevator, with angle face thanking the boss before running behind to catch the elevator. I press the button for the third floor.
It was quiet I turn my eyes toward angle face. It seemed that she was on her phone searching if anyone has reported a baby missing. The door then opens I quickly walk to the counter. The nurse quickly recognize.
"You must be here about the baby! Well the window is over there. She the one wearing a purple hat."
How does everyone know about the fucking baby??
I thank her for the information and I go to the window. I stand there just looking at the thing.
"Why the fuck would anyone leave something so defenseless... so weak by itself. How could someone be that much of a dick."
Angelface was standing next to me.
"Maybe they had a reason. Maybe they thought if someone find her, she'll have a better life. Maybe all they wanted was for her to be happy." I look down at her, then look back.
"Yeah maybe..."
I then see a police officer come up to us. It was officer shed. He one of the people who know our identity.
"The baby is female, little underweight, no mother or father found in the system, born about 2-3 weeks ago." I look at him.
"What's gonna happen to her?" I ask him.
"She probably gonna go to foster care... if she lucky she'll get adopted. But I doubt that. Many people these days are looking for kids with amazing quirks."
I felt a feeling in my chest a feeling I don't get alot. This feeling used to make me feel weak. But now it make me feel really fucking confident.
"What if we adopt her?"
I look at who said it. It was angel face.
"What?" I answer her wondering where the fuck that idea came from.
"Well what if the parents come looking for her? It'll be really hard to find her cause what if she never gets adopted? She'll be moving from foster home to foster home."
"I just don't wanna see this little baby girl suffer..."
I look at her, then I look back to officer shed.
"You can adopt her but its alot of paperwork." I look at her through the window.
"I'm used to doing alot of paperwork" for a second I didn't even know what the fuck I was saying. For the first time ever I'm actually thinking on something very important decision that could change my fucking life forever.
"Don't worry you have a couple of days to decide."
Angel face looks at me. She mouths at me 'we need to talk' I nod. we walk toward the waiting room and sit down.
"OK so what the fuck you wanna talk about?"
She stays quiet. Not saying a word. She then looked at me with mixed emotions. She looked fucking happy yet so fucking serious.
"How about you adopt her! She'll be able to have a good life! And if her parents come looking for her they'll know where she is."
I look at her with a soften face yet a little pissed off, cause she telling me what I should do.
"Look I get what your fucking saying. But we live in a 2 room fucking apartment. Were both busy with our fucking jobs and dumbass dutys. How the fuck am I supposed to take care of something like that when I'm trying to become the #1 hero?" She smile after hearing what I say.
"I know. But you have friends and family that would be willing to help you. All I want is the best for that girl..."
I stay silent for once in my fucking life I have nothing to say. Right now I wanna cry. But have to stay strong. Angel face is way stronger then in certain places. After our first fight in the sports festival, people have me shit. Saying that I was to hard on her. That I should've been easy on her. But I didn't care, cause I know she's not fragile. She a strong bitch. and she being strong now, making such a big decision...
"Fine I'll take her in, until someone comes to retrieve her.... But one condition only. You have to fucking help me. The bill is gonna be higher then usual. You'll have to fucking help. Got it!?"
She nods at me as happy as ever. I smile.
"I'm gonna go talk to officer shed about this. OH and call your mom! I'm sure she has stuff from when you were a baby."


HEY EVERYBODY so I hope y'all liked my new book! I like it too. It very nice yes? Well anyways I'm still trying to make a schedule for what days I should post a new chapter for this. And when to post a new chapter for my other book. But I'm pretty sure that this baby need a name. So   can you guys give me some name cause I'm stumped. Like Japanesie names. Anyways hope y'all enjoyed my new book. And happy new years to Bye.

Word count:1663

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