A Lil Story!

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"Why Did You Have To Die" I Muffled as Tears Spill out of my eye, "Y/n Why did you Do That, I Deserved to die but not you" I Sniffled As I stared at your coffin As I Wiped My Tears Away I Felt a Cold sensation In My Body It's like Y/n Is Here I Looked around to see Just The Normal Sight Graves,Tombstone etc I Continuously Walked to My Car And As I Entered My Car I Heard A Voice it was Sweet And Dainty Almost like Y/n's "I Love You Too Jungkook" The Voice Said It Gaved me Shiver's due to the cold sensation "Y/n?" I asked But there was Just Pure silence I Started my engine and Drove away Filled with Sadness And Confusion...


I Got changed into My Pyjamas And Laid in the bed I chilled for a Moment when I heard A Voice " Good Night Jungkook" That Muted voice came "Y/n? are U Here" I Asked As Tear's threaten to fall "Yes jungkook im here i will forever look out for you" The Voice Responded or y/n I Smiled a little bit hearing you talk How I Missed That sweet Sweet Voice Of Y/n "Jungkook promise me that You Will forget about me now" y/n Asked As I Felt Y/n's lip's Curve into a Small Smile "I Can't you were the love of my life" I Cried As I Curled into A Little ball "please forget me Jungkook, Go Find the real Love of your life I Have to Go Now, I Love You" Y/n Left And I sobbed into myself Thinking About Y/n

"I'll Meet You Soon There My Love"

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