4-Count Down

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It was late around 11 at night. i was just getting off of work in my car listen to music when Beyonces new song count down came on.

(Yes i know Count Down came out 7 years ago but just go with it).

This is me and D's song. Any time it came on she would turn it up blasting and dance as if she was actually performing it. I trun up the radio and dance a little in my car. The light soon trun green and i started to drive down the long road home. As the roads got longer i start to daydream. Soon forgetting im driving.


2weeks ago.........

"Honey our song its our on". Dinah comes running into the living room with her phone in her hand. I giggle at the excitement she is showing. "Turn it up then". Her smile grows and she gets in position.

Oh, killin' me softly and I'm still fallin'

Still the one I need, I will always be with you

As the song starts she looks at me with every word that comes out of her mouth. As she starts to sing the count down she gets closer

My baby is a 10 as she sings that she holds up 10 fingers and smiles

We dressing to the 9 she wraps her arms around her body

she pick me up, we 8 she spins around

Make me feel so lucky 7 she puts her hand on her head and rolls her eyes.

She kiss me in her 6 she blows a kiss to me

We be making love in 5 she puts her hand around my neck.

Still the one I do this 4 she sits on my lap

I'm trying to make us 3 she gets closer to my lips

From that 2 she gets up

She still the 1 she start to spin around.

I get up with her and dance with her. the whole time she would giggle and try to out dance me but i was able to hold my own.

When the song ended we were both out of breath. She holds onto me as i walk us both to the coach. We lay down and i stroke her hair as we rest. She looks up at me and smiles. I look at her"Why the smile". She leans up a little to capture my lips. It was so simple but full of passion at the same time. She pulls away and close her eyes as she starts to fall asleep.

i look down at her and smile knowing i have something so great."You know im happy i get to be your girlfriend". With her eyes still close she smiles a little the goes back to trying to go to sleep.

"And hopefully im your last". I kiss her forehead and carry her to our room up stairs. I tuck her in and close the door for her.



im taken out of my thought by a hunk and a bright light coming my way. I quickly try to avoid the massive 18 wheeler. Barely making it safely pass the car, i stop my car. My head hurts and i can feel blood slid down my face from my forehead. I get out of the car to check it and there is a big scratch from the side. Damn it Dinah is going to kill me. I get back in the car and focus on the road as i drive the next 7 minutes home.

"Hey honey how was-" what the fuck happened. Dinah runs over to me and looks at my forehead."How did this happen". I try to tell her im fine but she just wants to know what happened.

"Well you see our song came on and-". Oh don't tell me you were dancing and-" I interrupted up her and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Y/n we are not done her". I roll my eyes at her and tried to get a band-aide from the top shelf. "I almost got into a car accident Dinah". Her anger soon softened and she goes to hug me. Holding me tight as if she is holding on to my life.

"Im ok now D its just your car its scratched up". She pulls away from me and slaps me with tears in her eyes. I hold the now red burning skin. "Do you really think i care about my stupid car"? I look at her not saying a word, she gets closer to me and holds my face looking deep into my eyes. "Y/n i could have lost you don't you get that. You could have-". She soon starts to break down. "Dinah i love you and i would never leave you like that".

She looks at me and hugs me tight."Good cause i could never live without you". I was shocked at the words that came out of her mouth. I kiss her and when i pulled away i backed up a little. Pulling out a ring pop i got for lunch and got on one leg.

"DinahJaneHansen, the love of my life, the apple to my eyes, the queen of my castle will you be the one person i can hold in the night forever, will you be the only person i kiss forever, will you marry me..........please?.....

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