Garbage (Kenny x Reader) Part 2

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   An obviously drunk Wendy stumbles up to you. God you fucking hated her, but your new weapon of mass murder was done and in bags ready for use. "H-h-Hey (y/n)," she slurred "do you have anymore drugs?"
   "I'm selling dope in the back if you're tryna get high," I respond.
   "That's fucking great. I'll g-give you a fucking fifty for it!"
   "That normally wouldn't be enough but since you're drunk I'll cut you some slack," you fake smiled leading her to the green house. You handed her the bag and told her to take it right away. Kenny was helping you sell the so called "drugs". You made the drugs to make it look like they ODed so it would be easier to hide the bodies.
   The boys who helped you didn't suspect a thing so far. Kenny had already sold about 10 bags to girls who were trying to fuck him in exchange for the "molly", but he knew better and would tell them he's in a relationship but could sell it to them for cheap.
   Within seconds Wendy was seizing on the floor mouth foaming. You waited until she stopped moving to hide her body under the floor boards.
   You reentered the party and a flood of drunk and stoned teens came rushing at you to buy the drugs, even Kyle! They all died in a similar way as Wendy. You hid their body's in various rooms while Kenny was taking a piss.
   You were in the middle of hiding Tweek's body when you heard "Babe?"
   'FUCK!!' You thought. It was Kenny. You threw the exposed arm. "In here Baby," you call.

(Just an image of your outfit before we continue)

   Kenny came into the room with a confused look on his face

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   Kenny came into the room with a confused look on his face. "Where did everyone go," he asked
   "They all felt sick so I got them rides home," you respond calmly.
   "Oh alright. I guess that leaves us to have a little fun!"
   "Yes it does," you smirk as he kisses you passionately. Too bad you had to kill him he was great in bed and at kissing. You flipped your switchblade quiet enough so he wouldn't hear it.
   He had pinned you against a wall,unknowing to him, made it easier to conceal your weapon. He was going to find out sooner or later that you killed everyone at the party. It wasn't going to be long either.
   Kenny began to kiss your neck. You noticed a set of fingers sticking out of the floor. No no no no no. You're not going to get caught and you know it. You knew Kenny had the power of immortality so you payed Damien for a potion to destroy that power. You slipped it in Kenny's drink.
   Kenny picked you up and threw you over his shoulder to place on the bed. Unfortunately for you he saw the fingers coming out of the floor and set you down. "What the FUCK," he yelled.
   "No snitching mother fucker," you say as you place your knife near his throat. (If anyone got that reference you're the best!) You tried to corner him but it was no use. He's stronger than you and you knew that.
   He pushed past you and ran down stairs. "Where are you Kenny baby? I'm not going to hurt you! Just cut you a little bit that's all," you say looking for him.
   Suddenly you hear a knock at the door. You switch your knife. The police are at your door just fucking great. "How may I help you officer," you ask sweetly.
   "We've received several noise complaints tonight and just came to investigate," he replies.
   "Oh no worries officer. I was just home alone listening to music I'm sorry if it was too loud."
   "It's alright young lady. We'll just let you off with a warning."
   "Thank you officer," you say as you close the door. Immediately switching back your knife. 
   You heard something fall in the kitchen. "Oh Kenny," you laugh "I hear you daddy! Where are you?"
   You knew he had the daddy kink bad and used it to your advantage. You could hear him groaning from under the counter. You pretended to leave and waited for him to come out.  He soon did and you pounced.
   He put up a fight but soon you slit his throat in a clean slice. You sat there for a bit just sitting in your former boyfriends blood. You knew they would find out everyone had died and would trace it back to your party.
   You had vowed this entire time not to get caught. Now here you sit in a pool of a beautiful boys blood. You were smart enough to realize you needed to make it look like a lovers suicide pact. You hold his limp hand in yours as you slit your throat ready to bleed out.
   The world went hazy and black.
   The story of the mass murder was out. It was all anyone was talking about. People grieving over their dead children. All the chaos you ever wanted had just been created and all you had to do was kill everyone you ever knew and die to make it possible.

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