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I couldn't believe it, it was actually her, she was alive. Walking through the door was the girl no one thought we'd ever see again, Eleven, blood running from her nose with her hair slicked back and some pretty badass clothes on. Mike pushed his way through everyone and his eyes were clearly welling up with tears, as were Eleven's when she saw Mike. They both stared at each other, neither one of them saying anything as they both stand there. I felt a mix of happiness and sadness balled into one, tears prickling my eyes as I stand beside Dustin.

"Eleven," mike said in no more than a whisper, his voice sounded like it could break at any moment.

"Mike," she replied, immediately getting pulled into a hug by Mike, it made me so happy to see her again and I'm positive Mike feels the same way. After all this time, Mike finally gets El back after being without her for so long; I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"I never gave up on you, I called you every night," Mike said as they pulled away, staring down at her with a smile shining through the tears falling down his cheeks "every night for—"

"353 days, I heard," Eleven cut him off, Mike paused and stared at her for second, his smile fading as fast as it appeared.

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" He asked, she went to say something but Hopper beat her to it.

"Because I wouldn't let her," he replied, mike turning to him and he looked so broken. Hopper walked up to Eleven and asked her where she had been while Mike seemed to be processing what he just said, his brows furrowed.

"Where have you been," she spat back, glaring up at him.

"You've been hiding her, you've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike yelled, pushing Hopper and making him stumble a bit; his confused look replaced with pure anger. I understand why he's so upset, he's been looking for the smallest sign that she was still alive and Hopper was stopping him from seeing her again.

"Hey! Let's talk, alone," Hopper replied, taking him into Will's room and Mike reluctantly agreeing. That's when I push past everyone that was crowding around Eleven and her eyes lit up when she saw me, I smiled the brightest I have smiled this past year.

"Hey El, long time no see," I say, feeling the tears threatening to fall down my cheeks as I stand in front of the girl I became great friends with within a few days. Memories flooding back, I couldn't stop a couple tears from slipping.

"Addy," she whispers, pulling me into a hug and burying her head into my neck.

"How have you been?" I ask quietly, wrapping my arms around her torso tightly and returning her embrace.

"Good," she replied, I pulled away from her and gave her one last smile before Dustin and Lucas hugged her. Her eyes landed on Dustin and her brows furrowed before she reached up to his mouth and pushed her thumb against his teeth. "Teeth," she mumbled, seemingly confused that Dustin has teeth.

"Huh?" Dustin's face turned from happy to confused, his brows knitting together.

"You have teeth," she said, making Dustin smile again.

"Oh, you like these pearls?" He replies, glancing over to Lucas before doing his weird purring noise that he loves to do which seemed to startle Eleven more that make her laugh. I love it, It makes me laugh a lot, Lucas just sighed with a slight roll of his eyes which made me giggle.

Max made her way up to Eleven "Eleven? Um, I'm Max," she introduced herself but Eleven's face immediately turned sour, Max extended her arm out to Eleven "I've heard a lot about you," she added with a kind smile, but Eleven didn't say anything, she just shot her a glare and pushed past her before going straight to Mrs. Byers. Max seemed pretty hurt by that, I don't know why Eleven doesn't like her, she hasn't met her until now so...

That smile -Dustin Henderson-Where stories live. Discover now