Location: Hasetsu, Japan
Time: very early MorningYuri woke up about 1 Hour before his Clock started ringing, he was so excited, that he couldn't sleep anymore. ‘Today's the Day, Victor and I begin our Journey together to Austria.’ he thought and started to dress up himself. Before he went down the Stairs to the Living Room, he knocked at the Door to Victor’s Room. “I’m coming soon, just go ahead.” came Victor’s Voice from inside his Room. “Okay, I’ll wait for you in the Living Room then.” Yuri answered and went down the Stairs and into the Living Room. “Hey Piggy, why are you so freaking happy?“ welcomed him Yurio, who was already sitting at the Table eating his Breakfast. He surely hoped to get some Information from Yuri about Victor’s Plans. Yuri smiled, and gets slightly red in his Face. “Well… Uhm…” he got even more red in his Face.”Leave him alone, Yurio!” Victor has entered the Living Room and took a Seat on the opposite Side of the Table, faceing Yurio. Yuri relaxed and took a Seat on the left, beside Victor. The both of them started to eat, Yurio watched them angrily and continued eating. “Ah, that was a delicious Breakfast.” Victor smiled at Yuri, looking really satisfied. “I am glad that you liked it.” Yuri said, eating up his Salad. “Weeell, fetch your Suitcase and your other Stuff, Yuri and wait for me at the Car outside. I’ll be with you soon.” Yuri nodded und ran up the Stairs, into his Room, pulled on his blue Coat and a olive green Scarf, snatched his Suitcase and Back Bag and ran back downstairs. When he came by Victor, right before he stepped out of the Door, he heard him talking to Yurio. After a While Victor stopped arguing with Yurio and fetched his own, roughly packed, Suitcase, pulled on his own Coat and pushed Yuri out of the Door. They both got into the Car and Victor drove them to the Airport. It was really busy at the Airport and Yuri has to be careful or else he might lose his Suitcase when he got out of the Car, when Victor and he went to the Check-in Terminal. Both of their Suitcases and Yuri's Back Bag were checked then, Yuri knew that Procedure very well, it wasn't the 1st Time that he traveled by Plane and so does Victor. When their Suitcases and the Back Bag where checked both of them went to their Seats inside the Plane. Yuri yawned. “Are you tired?” Victor asked. “Yes I couldn't sleep, because I was so excited, and because of that I woke up to early.” Yuri replied, yawning again. “I see, well you have plenty of Time to rest now, we’re going to fly about ten hours until we're in Austria.” Victor explained. Yuri nodded and fell asleep promptly. Victor smiled and gently stroked Yuri's Cheek. “You will show them what a perfect Programm looks like.” he whispered and, leaning his Head against Yuri's Shoulder, he fell asleep too. The Both of them didn't notice that a Pair of Foreigners went by their Seats. “Oh look, Stefan, aren't they cute, sleeping together like this?” the young Woman smiled widely at the young Man in Front of her. “Hey, be quiet, they seem to be very exhausted so don't wake them up, Stefanie. Okay?” the young Man whispered. “Okay, you're right. Let's go to our Seats and take a Seat.” she whispered back. After a While all Passengers were on Board and the Laguage was packed into the Storage Room of the Plane so it took flight and
made its Way to Austria.Location: Austrian Airport
Time: late AfternoonWhen the Plane landed, Victor woke up, yawning and stretching himself. “Yuri, wake up! We have arrived!” The Russian was in a very good Mood. “I’m awake, I’m awake.” came the Answer from a still sleepy Yuri. Victor smiled and got up. “So come on we have to get our Suitcases and your Back Bag!” Victor was so excited that Yuri got up and smiled at his Coach. They got of the Plane and fetched their Suitcases and Yuri's Back Bag. After they got their Language, the Both of them heard the Voice of a young Woman, using a Megaphone, saying:” At all Participants of the Figure Skating-Competition, please come closer!” Yuri and Victor went closer and the Woman started to explain:” We’re going to go to the Hotel by Bus, when we arrived there, I tell you who shares a Room with whom. Now follow me, please. The Bus is already waiting for us.” Yuri sighed and Victor smiled when they followed the Woman to get on to the Bus. ‘I’ve never thought that there were so many Participants, I hope Yuri can handle the Pressure.’ Victor knows that Yuri got nervous very easy, so he was a little bit worried but Yuri didn't even notice how big the Crowd of the Participants really was. So the Both of them climbed into the Bus, and took their Seats on the left. “We’re the last Ones!” Victor shouted in the Woman's Direction, who stood beside the Driver.”Thank you!” the Woman said and she said to the Driver: “We can go, everyone's on the Bus.” The Driver immediately started the Engine and they set of to the Hotel.
Yuri on Ice -Welcome to Austria-
FanficDas ist eine Fan-Fiction die auch zum Nachdenken anregen soll wie wir mit Anderen aus fremden Ländern umgehen, genauso wie das Nachdenken über faire Wettkämpfe. This is a Fan-Fiction wich should also make the People thinking about how they threat Ot...