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*brahmarakshasa - Brahm Rakshas is actually the spirit of a Brahmin, a dead scholar of high birth, who has done evil things in his life or has misused his knowledge, who has to suffer as a Brahm Rakshas after his or her death. In simple words, a fierce demon spirit according to Hindu mythology.

Source: Wikipedia

"Welcome!" Vihaan beamed opening the huge, creaky door at the entrance past the laterite stone verandah.

The interior was definitely something they couldn't stop gawking at. Though extremely old,  it was a perfect Mangalorean style architectured mansion with ample ventilation. Wooden pillars with exquisite carvings seemed to bare the building high. Between two such structures hung an antique widespread teak swing, possibly on which four members could accommodate. Inspite of little illumination, the marvellous floral etches on the ceiling were visible. The centre of the house was a spacious inner courtyard around which a series of rooms were constructed. The four edges of the courtyard were lined with Manglore clay roofs sloping inwards.

"Must be the bedroom." he said switching on the lights of a well furnished room.
"Not bad, at least electricity runs over the lines pulled over in this village. The bulb in the living area is probably burnt. Such a beautiful house this is!"

Sandhya held her belly and eased over the dark brown headboard of the fluffy king size bed and sighed while he hooked his jacket on a tall coat hanger.

"I should have brought the small bagpack atleast. It had our nightware. I can't sleep without taking a shower. I'll go get it from the jeep. Will you.." He turned to see her already drowsed away and left to bring their luggage.

He came out of the shower drying his hair. The room was a cozy little place and in no time, he fell in love with it. Moving to his wife who had not even cared to change after such a long journey, he gently pulled her shawl and put it aside.

"Missed you. I wasn't asleep actually." she gleamed opening one of her eyes.

"I married a nocturnal animal."

"Oh phew! Is catching the romance between words so tough? BORING!" she glared, making space for him.

"It's just no use."

"I think it is."

"Ready for the second baby so soon?"

"Vihaan!" she giggled throwing a pillow at him.

"So what do we have on the menu today?" he raised his brows rubbing his palms.


"I'm hungry."

"You are cooking? That's great! Nothing spicy please."

"Food's served!" he sung sliding his nose over her shoulder to the crook of her neck.
The next few minutes were spent as his lips smoothly helped themselves over her face."

"You are an insane brat! Ouch!" she yelled when he bit her cheek.

"Junior! Gotta teach your Mom how to respect. Who's side are you on?" Vihaan pecked her belly while her fingers played with his hair.

Ensuring that it was listening to everything Dad said, the baby kicked again.
The parents laughed at their young one and prayed to see him soon before slumping in the warmth of eachother's arms.
- - - - -

The early morning fog and white curtains of the room had been  translucent layers for the sunrays. The cold breeze on the other hand, had successfully managed to bring everyone out of their dreamland. Vihaan stretched his arm tossing to the other side to feel the space vacant.
Where would she go to in this village?
Who does she know here?

His thoughts were racing randomly but relaxed when he heard a sound from the garden behind the house.

"Sandhya! Why are you doing all this?" he alarmedly fled to her.

She was drawing water out of a big well which was situated right in the backyard. In fact it was admist a vast arecanut and banana plantation.

"All the taps are blocked. There's no water to drink either." she said tugging the rope.

"You must call me for such things!"

"That's fine Vihaan. You weren't awake so I didn't want to disturb you."

He stepped back crossing his arms over his front staring at her chatter along. She was dressed in a short, cotton, baby pink gown. Her hair was tied into a messy bun and her tiny diamond nose-ring shone in the mild light.

" Do you know how loudly you snore when you're tired? I bet it's louder than a generator! If I had my phone I would've recor...."


In a fraction of a second, she was pulled inside the well.

He bent over the half collapsed wall to see water rings deep down.
But fortunately his eyes met hers who was safely gripping onto the rope.

"Easy now." he whispered caressing her forehead after bringing her back up. She was trembling and eventually fainted, while he laid her down on the mattress.

Once again, he went to the same place to see what could've happened.

"Are you looking for anything?"

A gentleman holding a long, black umbrella, sporting a crisp white shirt and dhothi walked to Vihaan.

"No no. I was checking out if there was water in this well."

"Throw a stone in it. If you hear a blup, that means there's water."

The person who was approximately forty years old put his hand forward.
"Thenkabail Kalinga Bhatta. I guess you are new here."

"Namasthe Sir. I'm Vihaan. Yes, it's only been a night in this place." he greeted him.

"Well then, being the first localite to meet you, I heartily welcome you to Kamarottu Grama. How do you like the village?"

"The surroundings are very close to nature but there is a hint of mystery beyond vision.. far beyond." Vihaan spoke glancing at the well.

"Looks like you've learnt a lot in one day! The mystery factor is true."

"A few minutes ago, my wife fell into this well. It was like someone pulled her in. I was checking out what that was and you came."

"Mind if I tell you a word? Don't try to search the truth behind the happenings of this place. It is not very easy to figure out things." he frowned signalling him to have a seat.
"If you find anything weird, it's better you stay away from it."

"Seems like you know a lot about this."

"Umm.. I think you will not take this seriously."

"Not at all. Please tell me."

"There is a belief that a *brahmarakshasa resides in this well. From many years, there are stories saying that people spit blood dying in this very place. But my grandparents have witnessed it. Even today, they say you shouldn't turn before someone calls you thrice here."

"Haha, thrice?"

"The brahmarakshasa only calls a person twice and goes away. So even if it's your own wife, don't turn until she calls you three times!"

"Oh no! If you turn, the brahmarakshasa will kill you and if you don't your wife will. I'm puzzled Sir!"

The two men cackled as they spoke some more about the place and themselves.


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