It's You Forever

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"I never thought it could be Kalinga."

"He deserved this death for all he did."

"I don't know who to blame. Anasuya was a cheater. How can a wife lie to her own hus--"
Janani paused seeing Vihaan look away.
"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you."

He nodded.

"What's Anushku by the way? I wanted to ask ever since I met you."
She wanted to divert the topic.

"Anushku. Anamadeya Ashok Kumar."

"Anamadeya Ashok Kumar?"

"You know what the Indian court refers to a person with an unknown identity?"

"Ashok Kumar! Wow! That's brilliant. I thought it was something, you know, complex!" she exclaimed, "Anushku."

"I realized, I've never called you by your name. Janani."

Her smile faltered, with glistening eyes.
"Vihaan, I have something to tell you. Can I?"

"Of course. Go ahead."

"It's a truth that you should know."

"Truth?" he frowned "What truth don't I know now, Janani?"

They were interrupted by a pleasent sound. Vihaan's face brightened, the smile stretching to his ears.

"Come on. I'll introduce you to them."

The door creaked open and he peeped in to see his wife lying on the bed. This time weakness was overtaken by an ethereal glow that made her appear like an angel. A broken one. But he was the nymph who was sent to fix her wings. Help her soar high again.

A lady entered from another door holding a bundle wrapped in a cotton white cloth. She grinned handing it to Vihaan who hesitantly put his hands forward.

A new hope had bloomed like a cherry blossom in the spring of their lives. Only to strengthen their bond.
He smiled and held it closer.
"Hey there Junior." he spoke under his breath and kissed its head, eyeing his wife who was asleep due to tiredness.

"Here he is."
Vihaan proudly beamed at Janani.

"He's so, so tiny." she laughed placing her finger on its palm hoping that it would grab on.
"Adorable, Vihaan. His cheeks are like cheddar cheese." They giggled when she stroked them with her thumb.

"I'll be back." she excused herself closing the door behind, seeing Sandhya move.

The couple indeed needed some privacy. It was no ordinary situation they faced in the past week. Moreover, a heart wrenching truth was revealed and they hardly saw eachother's faces. It was time. Time for confession.

He settled next to her, careful to hold the baby's neck properly.

"Sorry." she whispered.

He smirked and turned towards the window

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He smirked and turned towards the window. Heavy clouds had condensed to showers from the grey sky while the raindrops traced the crystal clear glass. It was an indication of something auspicious. Alas! He was carrying it right in his arms.

"Aren't you gonna say hi to him." he plainly said helping her sit up.

"What do I take that as?"

"Sandhya, there's time to talk. For now--"

"Please tell me. You are behaving different?" she shot.
"I know you would've read it. Vihaan, do still you trust me?"
The last words sent tears out of her watery eyes. She wiped them.

"The baby, Sandhya!" he pointed at the wriggling form.

She held their son, who was blinking at her, and cradled him to her chest. The little one rubbed its eye with its tiny hand and snuggled into its mother's warmth.

"How can you say that? I sweat blood day and night in search of you. The truth, past, or whatever doesn't matter as long as I love you. I live for you, Sandhya! For us. Honestly, did you need an explanation?" He gently feathered his knuckles on the baby's pink cheek.

She sniffled closing her eyes, her cheeks heating up.

"I would've forgave you even before all this happened. There was no requirement to hide."
He cuddled her cheeks with his palms.
"No crying, darling. I love you now and I'll love you forever. Do you hear me?"

She nodded. He leaned over and kissed her lips, which was soon disturbed by the member amist them.
"Man! This guy's gonna give me a tough time. Hey champ, me and your mother were apart for six days, you know? Can I please kiss her?"

They chuckled seeing its tender lips slightly curve and intertwined their fingers. A sight to be cherished.

"Asking your son permission to kiss your wife?" she stifled a snicker.

"Well, he must be hungry and you wouldn't want me to start, knowing the consequences." he winked.

She blushed lowering her head when the nurse knocked the door.

"Time for his meal, madam."

Vihaan sat on the adjacent bed stealing glances while Sandhya shied away. The nurse was teaching her how to feed the child and he couldn't wish for a better moment. Serenity earthed his entire being. The slurpy noises and cool breeze smelling like fresh rain was soothing his soul. He thanked God for the first time and went back to her as soon as the lady left.

"I was waiting for this day. It seems surreal, magical. Do I sound like a jerk?"

She smiled grabbing his hand.
"No. You sound like a father. A proud father."

"Did I miss anything?"
They turned to see Janani knocking.

"A lot!" Vihaan smirked earning a glare from Sandhya.

"Thank you so much. I owe you way too much to express."

"It's nothing Sandhya. Maybe plain humanity. I'm very happy for you two. Vihaan was nearly depressed, but I've never seen someone stronger. He pledged to get you back."

Both exchanged a glance not void of any emotion.

"I told Vihaan, your baby has cheeks which feel like cheddar cheese. He's absolutely loveable!"
Janani played with the baby's lips.
"Vihaan, I forgot to tell you. Mahabala Hegde and his men got arrested today. They've been produced to the court for their illegal activities. My company editor wants me to make a report on it by tomorrow. So I might as well take my leave. Have work back in the city. "

"Thanks for everything Janani! I don't know how I could've done it without you."

- -

Vihaan panted wiping the water of his face, reaching the parking lot. It was yet raining but luckily she had not left.

"Hey! Vihaan?"

"You said you wanted to tell me the truth about something."

"Oh.. Well.."

He nodded expectantly.

"Don't ever go in search of your past. You'll never find something better than what you have now."
Her voice broke.

"I won't. I promise." he smiled, hugging her before returning. "You promise to keep visiting us."


She watched his silhouette disappear into the building. Tears she had barred slid down. She cried her heart out and rode far, far away from them, breaking her promise.

We may have epilogues and bonus chapters. But for now, this is it.

Dancing flames comes to an end.
Thank you all for the constant support and lovely words. 💓😊

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