Chapter 21

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Sorry this chapter is short, but I'm uploading another one right after this that is going to be longer... Tell me what you think!

Nate POV

"Are you sure you want to try again?" I asked Riley as I pinned her down on the gym floor, yet another time. We had been at this for two hours. Riley was determined to learn how to fight and be able to pin me down. She hasn't even gotten one, successful punch to me yet. I'm not punching her or anything, just defending myself when she comes after me.  "I'm sure," she replied, "Let's go again." I ran a hand through my hair. I really didn't want to hurt her. "And Nate," she called. I turned to look at her. Even with her hair in a messy ponytail and her face flushed, she still looked kickass beautiful. "Please don't hold back. I'm not going to get any better at this if it's not for real," she finished. I looked away from her. I just wanted this to be over and done with. She doesn't need to fight, but if it makes her happy I'll teach her. 

"You are getting better, I almost fell over when you kicked me last time!" I said and she gave me a look that said she wasn't buying it. "Please? Give it all you got," she begged and I reluctantly nodded. I almost smiled as she stood in the fighting stance I taught her, her mouth pulled into a pout and her eyes narrowed. She didn't give off the intimidating vibe she so desperately wanted to give. In fact, she looked adorable. Too busy in my own thoughts, I almost didn't see her charge at me with her fists, ready to strike. But before she could touch me, I moved out of the way. She came at me again, this time she sprung up and I could tell that she was aiming for a kick. 

I grabbed her ankle while she was in the air bringing her down on her feet. When she charged at me again, I twisted her wrist so that I had control over her movement and bent down to grab her ankle so that she couldn't kick me. I jerked her feet out from in front of her and pinned her to the ground with a booming thud. I glanced at her face to see her eyes closed, her mouth grimacing in pain. F*ck! I hurt her. "I want to go again," she whispered. Is she crazy? I pushed down on her wrist a little and she whimpered. "No," I said firmly. "No more." I stood up off of her and walked away to get her some ice. How the f*ck could I have hurt her? 

I grabbed the ice-pack and jogged over to Riley. She was sitting up, but still in the same spot on the floor. I pressed the ice gently to her wrist and shook my head. "F*ck, I'm so sorry," I stated. I didn't mean to curse so bluntly at her, but I was still frazzled at the idea that I actually hurt my mate. "Nate, I'm fine," she replied and laughed a little. I moved the ice-pack from her wrist to place it gently on her forehead. I looked at her, my expression doubtful. She let out a soft giggle and took the ice-pack off of her head, placing it on the floor. "Honestly, Nate, I'm okay. You being this protective over me is kind of turning me on though," she said and I chuckled, leaning my forehead against hers. Her's was still cold from the ice and it soothed my hot skin. 

"Can we go home, Riley? You've done amazing," I pleaded. She opened her eyes and tilted her head slightly to one side. "Then how come I haven't even gotten a chance to touch you?" she asked. I smiled a little and snaked my arms around her waist, pulling her up to her feet. "You are touching me," I replied. She rolled her eyes. "You know that's not what I meant. I haven't even had one successful hit today." 

"Riley, I've been training grown men to fight since I was fifteen years old. I promise you that if you were fighting anyone else you would've knocked them unconscious," I told her. She seemed to ponder the thought. After about a minute, she finally nodded. "Okay, let's go home. I'm tired anyway," she said and winked. 

As I drove the car home, I noticed Riley starting to fiddle with her hands. She only does that when she wants to say something, but doesn't know how to say it. "What's got you so worked up, Riley?" I asked her. She turned to face me. "Did the alpha tell you what he was going to do about the attack?" Her eyes widened. I gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, I didn't like the fact that she was scared. 

"Yeah, I told him about the letter and the ambush. He said he's going to have armed wolves always ready to counterattack. Whatever Jack's planning, we'll be one step ahead, so don't worry baby okay?" I took one hand off the steering wheel to hold her hand in mine. No matter what, I just don't want her to get hurt. Jack can threaten me all he wants, but when he plans to terrorize Riley, that's when I become angry beyond belief. That's why I was dreading going to school tomorrow. There was so much to do there, so many distractions. I do like school though. I chuckled to myself, not many guys my age would say that. But I do, I haven't been able to go to school while I was at Jack's. I know Riley likes school, too. I can't take that away from her just because I'm protective. 

I can't stand the thought of losing her, though. When Jack destroyed my pack, I didn't really understand what was going on. Only that my parents and friends were dead, and I had to go live with Jack. As I got older I realized that Jack was the one who killed them, and I couldn't protect them. It killed me knowing that. I don't mean to be overprotective of Riley; I just don't want to lose another person I love, knowing I couldn't save them. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt Riley squeeze my hand, stroking my knuckles with her thumb. "What's got you so worked up, Nate?" she said, teasing me a little. I grinned at her. She was so perfect for me, the way she knew how to make me laugh when I was stressed out, the way she knows all of my flaws and loves me anyway. Either she doesn't see my flaws, or she ignores them. But it is pretty hard to ignore my overprotectiveness and how I drape myself all over her when we sleep. 

I pulled up into the drive of the pack houses, parking the car in the garage. I'm glad the pack has accepted me. Probably having to due with the fact that I saved Riley, but I'm happy nonetheless. I consider them my family now, and I haven't had a family in a d*mn long time. When we were home, Riley and I went straight to the shower. Not that I'm complaining. She wrapped her arms around my waist as I washed her hair, doing the same to me when I was done. She was giggling the entire time, giving me mohawks with the shampoo. I laughed along with her as she scrubbed my hair; she was just too funny. I turned off the faucet and engulfed her in a fluffy towel. I wrapped one around my waist as well and changed into a pair of boxers. When I walked out of the closet, Riley was already dressed and in bed half asleep. 

"I guess I tired you out again today, huh Riley?" I joked. She made a moaning sound in the back of her throat and I felt myself stiffen. I climbed onto the bed with her and pulled the downy soft comforter over the both of us. I trailed my hands down her waist, making her squeal. "Nate," she groaned. I laughed, she was funny when she was in a daze. She snuggled up to be closer to me, placing her head level with my chest. I folded her into my arms, and she sighed out of contentment. "Holy f*ck Nate, I love you," she mumbled. I chuckled. "I f*cking love you too, Riley."

I listened as her breathing became even, and I knew she was asleep. I kissed her on the forehead and felt my eyes dropping. Riley really has a calming effect on me. I fell asleep instantly with Riley swathed in my arms. 

Awwwww, Nate's POV is the best! When do you think the ambush is going to be? Who will survive? Duh, Duh, DUUUHHH! Don't forget to Fan/Vote/Comment and enjoy :). 

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