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             (No ones p.o.v.)

You wake up and look at my alarm clock."09:45", You mumble. "All right, time to get up.". You get up and look at the mess that is your apartment. You walk over to the kitchen and get tea/coffee. After you finish your tea/coffee you walk into the middle of your living room. "Damn... this place is a mess.". After releasing your apartment/flat is a mess you turn on your speakers, you start to play (F/a)/ (f/s) / (f/b). ~~TIME SKIP brought to you by COLA!~~ After an hour of cleaning your apartment is finally clean. You actually found $30 in your couch alone. You decide that you should clean yourself and hop in the shower. You change into (f/c)/(f/b) tee-shirt and some jeans. By now it's 12:45, you get a text from Tom.-................................................................................-Tom: on my way. Ok, I'll meet you down at the shop: (y/n)-................................................................................- Tom's P.O.V. (heyyy point of view change) I was five minutes away from the shop, it started to rain a little witch sucks because I'm walking. I have Susan; my bass, on my back. I wanted to (Y/N) meet Susan. I was listening to some music before I walked into the store. I took out my headphones off before I walked in. The bell above the door went off notifying (y/n) that I was here. I hear a muffled yell from upstairs, "Coming!". (Y/N) came running down the stairs their (E/C) eyes shining with anticipation, "Hi Tom, welcome!" They say. Actually, they kind look cute- HOLY HELL TOM WHAT ARE YOU SAYING YOU BARELY KNOW THEM! "You ok Tom?", They ask. "Y-yeah, sorry must have spaced off.", She invites me upstairs to their apartment/flat, it was warm it had a homely feel to it. "Sorry, it's such a mess.", They say. "No it's fine,", I say with a slight chuckle. I take Susan off my back and sit on their couch. We ended up talking about music for a while. "Oh hey! I want you to meet someone.", They tilt their head in slight confusion, I walk over and pull the beat up checkered bass out of her case. "This is Susan.", I say. "Cool, you know how to play bass?" They ask, "Yeah I taught myself how to high school, want to hear something?". "Sure!" They respond. I ended up playing 'Seven Nation Army' I also ended up singing the whole song. "Wow.. your good singer too.". They said "Thanks.."~Time skip~We talked for a few more hours and it was starting to get late. "Hey I had fun today," I said, "maybe we can go out some time?". "W-Wait really!" They said. "Yeah, how about next Saturday?", I ask. "Yea that works!".—————————————————————————Authors note- OMG IM SO SORRY, I've been caught up with school. I have an art and updates book if you check that out! I hope you like the book so far! I'll try to be more consistent with the updatesWord count- 493

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