Just One Night

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“Here’s what I want you to do,” I began, trailing my hands up his muscular body to wrap my arms around his neck. “I want you to do me, and do me hard. Then, I want you to let me go and never mention this to anyone.” Taylor Quessie is tired of being a virgin. Everyone tells her she should wait until she meets someone special, someone she’s in love with, but she can’t. Every time a guy tells her he’s fallen for her, she has a panic attack and breaks up with them. So now she’s resorting to desperate measures. Cameron Riter is the school’s player. He sleeps around, constantly takes girls v-cards, and screws around with their hearts. When Taylor asks him for help, he can’t help but accept. So what happens when, the next morning, he realizes he doesn’t want to let her go? **Used to be The Player Who Took My Virginity**

-This story is sooo good! You should read it :) It will catch your attention <3

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