Nothing But the Truth - Pokemon

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Title: Nothing But the Truth

Summary: Serena has had enough with the not knowing the truth of Calem and Sycamore's relationship. She was going to confront Calem and ask him. It might be difficult. But she would settle for nothing less than the truth!

Pairings: Mentioning of Sycamore/Calem

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Don’t own anything

AN: Hmm, this should be the last of this unintentional mini-series, but I really can’t make any promises. This oneshot is probably rather pointless, but I hope it does offer some amusement. If not, then I blame the pain medication I’m on! Now, enjoy!


Serena tried not to show her impatience as she waited near the skate park just outside the gate of Route 5. She had asked Calem to meet her, but not for a pokemon match like they had challenged each other many times before. The meeting today was in regards to something that had bothered her for a while. She was seeking information.

Rather confirmation.

There was no logical reason for her obsession of knowing what kind of relationship her neighbour Calem and the esteem professor Sycamore truly had. It wasn’t any of her business. No harm was being done to her, nor to anyone else for that matter. They were sweet together, their actions with each other innocent and loving.

There wasn’t a single bad thing anyone has said about them. Well, if you disregard the mumblings of pure jealousy of “Why can’t you treat me the way those two love-birds treat each other?” from tourists who visit Lumiose City in the hopes of romance.

So why the preoccupation? She simply just wanted to know the truth. Hear it from Calem’s own mouth. She liked learning new things. It won’t change her rivalry/friendship with Calem in the slightest.


Serena pulled herself from her musings and unconsciously readied herself when Calem stepped from the gateway. “Calem,” she greeted as he approached. “Can we talk?”

“Hm?” Calem hummed as he stopped a few feet in front of her, a look of curiosity on his face. “Sure.”

“Good,” Serena said as she curled a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. She was feeling a little nervous, to be honest. She was going to be asking some personal questions and wasn’t sure how Calem would react. She didn’t want to offend him anyway. “I need to ask you something. Something personal.”

“Personal?” Calem repeated, his brow furrowing slightly. He, too, looked somewhat nervous but he nodded his head regardless. “Um, ok.”

Serena drew in a deep breath. It was time. She was finally going to get the answers she needed. She had to be direct and to the point, but she also had to be delicate and careful with her words. Not more confusion or misinterpretations.

But as she opened her mouth to ask a well-rehearsed question, another voice unexpectedly interrupted her.

“Hey, Calem!”

Biting her lips together in frustration, Serena turned in time to see Gym Leader Korrina effortlessly skated over to them. Giving them both a wide and friendly grin, Korrina skidded to a halt next to Calem and placed her hands on her hips.

“I've been looking for you!” she said, not even remotely breathless from her skating.

“Oh, hello, Korrina,” Calem greeted politely, a small smile on his lips.

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