Chapter 20

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Being the uncordinated fool that I am, I tried to dive to my right and ended up falling on my face, making Margo's job of mauling me that much easier. With my face in the concrete I felt my hair being tugged, my limbs being twisted, my skin being scratched, my clothes being ripped and finally the weight of Margo being lifted from my body.

I tried to stand, but I ached everywhere. Who knew 47 seconds with a wild beast on your back could hurt so much? I finally managed to peel my body from the ground to see Margo thrashing wildly in Cameron's arms as he tried to restrain her.

"Let me go, so I can kill that whore!" She screamed. I must of had a look that said "Are you fucking me?" because Cameron was trying to supress a laugh as he trapped Margo's hands behind her back. How could she stand there (okay, thrash there) and call me a whore when she had went on and did the same thing? At least I had told her what I'd done, that doesn't make what I did anymore right, but it's better than, taking the example of Margo, and not telling anyone.

I rearranged my torn shirt, ran my fingers through my bruised scalp, and looked at Margo in the eye. I waited until she was through shouting profanities at me and was only trying to kick her way free of Cameron's grasp to say, "Margo! Stop acting like a spoiled brat!" She stopped kicking suddenly, and gave me a look of such hatred that even my granchildren who feel the rage emmanating from here. "You have absolutely no right to call me any of the names you just did. Look at me Margo, I'm a spitting image of you. And if you call me a whore then you might as well be saying it to your reflection, because I am exactly what you are! Do you think I Iike what I did? Do you think I enjoy standing here, letting my best friend call me a bitch and watching her hate me? No, Margo, but what I did is no worse than what you did. So don't yell at me for being a whore, because you have no right. But I do have the right to call you a hypocrite. Have a nice life Margo."

And with that farewell I was in my car and on my way home.


A moment after entering my house, I heard my phone ring. I ran up to my room before answering, needing privacy seeing as the room was packed with some of Connors friends. He must be having a sleepover or something. Normally this would upset me, but tonight it would keep mom from being too upset over me going to a party, especially when she had, from what I saw, about eight demons

Once I was safely locked away in my room I answered my phone. It was Cameron.

"Hey," He started. "How are you? You seemed pretty upset when you left."

"Well, yeah, I mean having your used-to-be best friend attack you like a wild animal does kind of fray your nerves. But don't worry, I'm okay now. I can't even remember half of what I was saying, I was just so angry, you know? Did I sound like an idiot?"

Cameron laughed and I seemed to relax a bit. "No, Addie, you most definetly did not sound like an idiot. You spoke the truth, and you shouldn't be upset or regret anything you told her. You were right, and she knows it. She fell apart once you left, she knows what she did was wrong."

"How long did you stay after I left? Was she really mad at me? Oh, Cameron, I really messed things up! Ugh, now I don't even want to go to the party, because I know she is going to be there, and who knows what she's going to do."

"Addie, don't worry about her! Come out with me, don't let her ruin your evening. And if she's there just tell me and I'll take care of her. C'mon Addie, please?"

I sighed. I guess he was right. Nothing too sever could go down. There would be a ton of people there, and she wouldn't dare tarnish her image by doing something extreme, like ripping my hair out like I fear she might. And Camerons right, if anything thing does happen, I'll just come get him, or grab someone close. I shouldn't let her stop me from having a fun night out, especially since I haven't had one in forever. I'd been in a bit of a funk since Cameron first told me he knew Margo had cheated on him. What the heck?

"Yeah, you're right, I'll be there. Pick me up at eight?" I asked.

"I'll be there."

A/N: So the story is ending soon, so what do you guys think will happen at the party? Oooh surprises surprises! My birthday is on saturday the 16th and I'm getting a laptop so when I start another story I'll be able to update and write a lot more. So it would be real awesome if you guys just stayed with me on this. Thanks! Enjoy, Comment, Vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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