Chapter 2

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RECAP- "Name?" she mumbled again, finally putting the magazine down to take a sheet of paper out.

"My name is Elizabeth Black" I replied back with confidence

The woman's eyes bulged out of her head as she heard my name. I guess she knows who the new boss is now. 

"Oh. Miss Black. We weren't expecting your arrival so early," she explained. Guess she was apart of my Mafia.

"Well. Duh? Of course i was gonna be here for the first day of the school year. I still care about my education ya know" i replied with with an eye roll, "Can i just get my schedule and an escort please"?

"Yes. S-Sorry Miss Black. I't won't ha-happen again" she stuttered shuffling through some papers

"I'm sorry. But what is your position in the buisness?" i asked 

"I'm your receptionist and planner Miss" she replied

"I don't do receptionists'. Nor do i need a planner. Speak to me later and we will find a different position for you to with hold" I scoffed at her

"Yes Miss Black" 

"Good. Now can you please just get a damn move on with my schedule and escort!" i puff out

"I have already called your escort to the office. He shall be here very soon. And here is your schedule" she informed me while handing me my schedule and a map of the school.

"Thanks" i mumbled while scanning over the map. This is easy to remember. Much easier then the blueprints for - THUD! My thoughts were interupted when something thing hit the wall. Hard.  And my immediate reaction was to reach for my knives. But as i spun around, i saw a very handsome and familiar looking boy.

"What do you need this time Linda?," the boy snapped at the receptionist. 

Linda shyly pointed in my direction. He slowly spun his body toward me. When his eyes landed on me, they widened slightly with recognition. He started to smoothly stride toward me stopping only meer inches from my face. "I know you" he pondered silently to himself, "AHA. Got it. Wassup Izzy?"

"Sup Austin" i nodded my head at him. I figured out who he was when he stopped in front of me. I studied his face when he did that. And i never forget a face. So i knew it was him.

Austin turned his head back to Linda and cleared his throat, "So i'm here because of her?" he questioned while jabbing his thumb at me.

"Yes you are. You will be her escort through the school, considering you have all the same classes" Linda relpied back to him with confidence laced through her tone

"Alrighty then. Follow me" he instructed me. I don't like being instructed. I'm always the one giving the instructions. I was born a leader. 

"You coming sweetheart?" he interupted my thoughts yet again with a slight smirk. If only he knew who i really was

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm coming. Just hold your horses, alright Tin Tin?" i giggled back at him

"Tin Tin? Really?"

"Yup. Now you've got a nickname" i winked at him."Alright let's go"i ushered him out of the office," What period is happening right now?"

"Right now is 3rd period, but we can skip the rest of it so i can show you around the school"

"Sounds good" i nodded in approval

He started to wander down a hallway, until he stopped in the middle of it raising his arms, "This" he said gesturing his arms,"This is the freshman's hallway. We aren't allowed in this hallway unless we have a detention. Then we are to report to that room right there," he informed me while pointing to a room. "Got it?" he questioned.

"Got it," i replied,"But how about you show me something more interesting?"

"Like what for example?"he asked with some uncertainty in his voice

"Like the gym," i responded in an overly enthusiastic voice

"The gym?" he questioned

"Yes the gym," i replied with an eye roll, "Is that a problem?"

"No. It's not a problem at all. I've just never met a girl who was so enthusiastic about the gym"

"Well now you have. I like to stay fit," i giggled while flexing my muscles

"Okay," he chuckled, "Right this way then"

And we were off on our little journey down a hallway, down some stairs and a right turn to the gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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