Chapter 1

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Ugh," i groaned to myself as i rolled over and slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I slowly started to rub my eyes, getting the sleep out of them, so i could check the time. I lifted my head slighty to see that it was 8:30. 

"Oh fuck,' i whispered, as i realized i was and hour late to school.

I shoved my blanket off me scrambling to get up. I finally jumped out of my bed, just to stumble and land on my hip. Graceful right? " Owwww," i whined rubbing my hip. But no time to lose. I strutted to my closet throwing it open to find the most beatiful outfit in the world. Blood red heels, black leather skinnies, black shoulder strap shirt, and last, but most definatelly not least, my one and only leather jacket. In case you haven't watched Grease lately, this is the exact outfit Sandy wore to impress Danny at the end of the movie, minus the leather jacket.

I struggled with putting the pants on, it took me at least 10-15 minutes. But after i got my outfit on i quickly shuffled to my bathroom to put on some eyeliner and mascara. Not much though, i'm not a big fan of makeup.

I pulled my hair tie out of my hair to realise my messy bun, picked up my brush and shoved it through my hair in and attempt to get the tangles out. After countless trys i finally gave up with a sigh. " Oh well, i'll straighten it tomorrow," i weakly stated.

I made my way out of my bathroom once i ruffled my hair a bit. I walked into the kitchen to find something to eat. I stopped. Seeing the most delicious looking red apple on my counter i silently thanked my self for leaving it there. I grabbed it licking my lips just thinking how delicious it would taste. I'd just have to wait until i get to school.

I quickly walked from the kitchen to the livingroom sweeping up my bag on the way. I stopped in the middle of my living room checking off my mental checklist. 

Clothes on- check

Breakfast- check

Makeup- check

School bag- check

Keys- no check

Phone- check (in my bag)

I swiftly sweeped my eyes over to my door. I walk slowly towards it to check and see if i left my keys in the lock. Outside. All night. "Shit," i cursed myself. What the hell is wrong with me. But before i got overly upset, I saw a white envelope on the floor right in front of my door. I reached down and picked it up flipping it over to see what it was. It said," You owe me one - Austin."

I opened the envelope and what do ya know. "My keys," i sighed with relief. Okay, now that that's settled i should really be going. I flung my door open, stepped outside, then slammed it shut. I checked to see if my door was locked and it was. I then made my way over to the elevator pushing the button. I wait impatiently for the elevator to arrive, when i hear the slight ding signaling that the elevator has finally arrived. I hopped in pressing the Lobby button. 

When the doors slid open i slid out making my way to my (way too sexy for me) sexy, and unbelivebly expensive Harley. I threw my leg over it and put the key in ingnition. I heard the soft yet exciting hum of the engine. I hit the gas and took off hoping i wouldn't crash, as this is my first time riding a motorcycle with heels.

I pulled into the school parking lot with a loud roar pulling the attetion from some kids just hanging out front. I slowed down pulling up to them and asked, " Yo? How would i get to the office from here?"

"Ummm..." *cough*, "You would go in through those doors and it's the first door to your right. It's really hard to miss" replied one of he boys standing there. He looked to be about in sophmore year, so about 2 years younger then me.

"Thanks kid. What's your name?" 

"My name's Mustafa"

"I'll remember that. See you around kid" i said to him as i started to pull away towards and empty at the front. When i parked i hopped off my bike and ran inside the school hoping to not miss 3rd period considering it's now 9:30. When i stepped through the doors i looked for the first door to my right and that Mustafa kid was right. It wasn't hard to miss at all. Big signs pointing to it like it's the most important thing in the world.

I pushed through the doors spotting the secretary right away. I walked up to her desk while she had her nose shoved in a vouge magazine. "Ehem" i cleared my throat

"May i help you?" she mumbled not taking her nose out of her stupid magazine

"Yes. You can actually. I'm new here and was hoping i could get my schedule and maybe some assistance around the school?" i replied to her in my nicest voice

"Name?" she mumbled again, finally putting the magazine down to take a sheet of paper out.

"My name is Elizabeth Black" I replied back with confidence

The woman's eyes bulged out of her head as she heard my name. I guess she knows who the new boss is now

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