Hand in Hand

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Newt's POV
Jeanne's baby bump was getting noticeably larger. She was about five months in to her pregnancy and was on the verge of needing larger shirts.

This prompted us to head over to Diagon Alley.

We took a cab because it was considered unsafe to travel by Floo or Apparation while pregnant.

Jeanne and I arrived on the street corner. We walked through the tavern and to the back room. I tapped the bricks with my wand and we entered the bustling streets of Diagon Alley.

It was chaos. I then realized it was just before back to school time for Hogwarts. There were students everywhere.

I remembered that my book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, was actually being worked into the first year's curriculum.

Headmaster Dumbledore had sent me an owl asking if it was all right to use my novel. I wrote back saying it was an honor, as well as the fact that I had recently been married to Jeanne.

Dumbledore wrote that he could recall her as a student: a quiet Ravenclaw who enjoyed mostly reading.

I wasn't aware of Jeanne's Hogwarts house. I guess I'd never really thought that she did go to Hogwarts after I had met her in America. I didn't like to ask her about her past too much, nor did she like talking about it.

Dumbledore also asked if I could possibly come back to Hogwarts and teach a lesson, maybe even bring some of my creatures.

I'd gladly accepted his offer, but with all the hectic things happening: the wedding, the baby, I had nearly forgotten.

I was pulled from my thoughts by someone calling my name: "Mr. Scamander! Mr. Scamander!" said a high pitched voice.

I turned to look as to where the voice was coming from. A very excited looking boy was standing in from of Flourish and Blotts, seemingly having just gotten my novel.

"You're so famous," teased Jeanne quietly as we walked over.

"Hello," I said, unsure of anything else to say.

"Will you sign my book?" he asked, holding it out proudly.

I did so, handing it back to him. He had the biggest grin an eleven year old could possibly have.

"I wasn't sure that it was you," the boy said excitedly. "I was looking at your picture with the Bowtruckle in the back here," he said, frantically flipping for the page.

There was the picture of me, standing with my iconic blue coat and case, smiling, and holding Pickett in my hand.

"I recognized you because of your coat," he said. "What're you doing at Diagon Alley?" the boy asked excitedly.

A woman came out of the bookstore holding a package of new texts the boy would be needing. "Now, Alexander," she chided. I assumed her to be his mother. "Are you bothering this man?"

"No, he's not, ma'am," I said kindly. "He simply wanted my signature."

"Look mum!" Alexander proudly showed my picture to his mother.

"Would you look at that?" she laughed to herself. "Did you tell Mr. Scamander thank you?"

"Thanks so much!" Alexander said, nearly bounding up and down.

"You're welcome," I said, shaking his hand. Then, I had an idea. "Would you like to see a real Bowtruckle, Alexander?"

"Yes, please!"

I produced Pickett from my pocket.

"Is that that same one from the picture?" he asked. I nodded. "Wicked."

I let Pickett climb back in my pocket once more. "I may be seeing you in class," I said to him. "Your headmaster has invited me to teach the first years some time."


"Yes, really," I said. "I'll put in a good word with your teacher about your enthusiasm."

"Thank you so much!" Alexander said, shaking my hand quickly.

"Thank you," said his mother, and they strolled away, disappearing into the crowd.

"You handled that really well," commented Jeanne. "I hope our baby is as enthusiastic about creatures as Alexander was."

"I'm sure he'll be," I said.

"Or she," said Jeanne.

"Or she," I echoed. "Though I really think it'll be a boy," I said, pulling her closer. We continued down to the clothing part of Diagon Ally.

"You're not that one carrying her," laughed Jeanne. She put her soft hand in mine, squeezing gently. "I'm really nervous," Jeanne said.

"What for?" I asked. "You're going to be a great mum."

"It's just that getting through the birth part is what worries me," Jeanne said, gripping my hand tighter.

"Love, you'll be fine," I said. "You're the strongest woman I know."

"Thanks, Newt," she said quietly.

We spent the rest of that day together, hand in hand, neither one of us wanting to let go.

His Beast - A Newt Scamander Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now