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The loud cries for help echoed through the castle walls. Nothing sounded better than this to Lord Sobek. In fact, the 51 foot dragon loved the sounds of torture from the mythical creatures he'd catch.
Interrupting his thoughts, a faint eagle cry was heard in the distance. The eagle cry became louder and louder, until a massive eagle came flying into view. Sobek could see that it was holding something in its talons. The eagle quickly swooped down and dropped a tiny scroll in his lords scaly hands.
"Well well, what do we have here?" Sobek said while opening the scroll.
He scanned through it and was surprised to see the checklist was of all the creatures he has caught. He chuckled with glee and clapped his hands wildly. He had caught every single creature. But the eagle interrupted the celebration and pointed to the bottom of the paper. Sobeks eyes widened when he read the bottom word.


Lord Sobek was so angry, that he screeched at the top his lungs. This created an earthquake down below. Castle bricks began to fall down and the trees began to shake. The monster didn't care who he hurt. He finally managed to stop.
"RazorClaw go and gather the hunters immediately." He roared.
RazorClaw nodded and flew away. Sobek began to laugh wildly to himself.
"Here we come dragons. We're about to make a splash."

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