•Chapter 2: Jaxon•

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Jaxon had been fascinated by mythical creatures his whole life. Especially the dragons. The boy lived in a small cave hidden in the middle of the forest. The caves walls were decorated in drawings of all different kinds of dragons, that the boy had drawn.

The sun was beginning to set over the tree tops. Jaxon sat in one of the tallest trees in the forest, as he looked out at the lake. The boy had a small lizard sitting on his shoulder with a scroll and an eagle feather in his hand. Every day at sunset he'd sit up in this tree and wait to see if a dragon would appear. So far he hadn't seen one in months.

"I don't know Roger. Looks like we won't be seeing a dragon today." Jaxon sighed, while stroking the lizard.

The lizard curled up closer to his only friend. He hated to see Jaxon like this, which was mostly everyday. He was there with Jaxon, when nobody believed him when he first told people that he had seen a dragon. It was like when the boy cried wolf. Children were scared to be around the boy, thinking he would feed them to the monsters.

The town needed to protect the children so they agreed to take the boy far away into the forest. Roger followed him and that's when the two met. They were both alone. The lizard soon went into a deep sleep on Jaxons shoulder.

"Good boy Roger. Good boy." Jaxon said softly, falling into a deep sleep himself.

                        * * * * * *

It was if a storm had hit. The boy jolted awake after feeling strange things in the weather lately. Trees were swaying harder than before, pebbles were popping like popcorn on the ground, and the wind was so strong that Jaxon had to hold on to a branch so he wouldn't fall out of the tree.

But Jaxon knew what this was. He had experienced this kind of weather before. The boy quickly and carefully climbed out of the tree and landed on the trebling floor. The wind was stranger then he had thought. The sleeping Roger flew right off Jaxon's back before you could say "dragon."

"Roger NOOO!" Jaxon yelled, as he watched his friend fly away with the breeze.

It was to late to rescue him. And if he was going to, he'd already be a mile a away at this wind speed. Jaxon had to find out where this was coming from. He began to walk the way the wind was blowing, hoping to find its resource.

As he walked further, it began to feel like more of a snowstorm. But there was no snow in sight. Suddenly a loud roar came out of nowhere. Jaxon looked up and saw a giant winged creature, not a bird though, flying towards a cliff across the water. His eyes widened with excitement. It was a dragon!

He needed to get a closer look. Jaxon climbed up the nearest tree he could find. As he was making his way up the tree, a large branch fell on top of his head which made him lose his balance. Before he knew it, Jaxon was plummeting towards the ground where he started.

"This must be a really big dragon." Jaxon said, rubbing his head.

The roars were beginning to get louder and louder now, as it bounced off the trees. A giant thud came from behind the tree where Jaxon sat. The boy looked behind the corner and his heart began to pound with excitement. Five humongous dragons in a 'V' formation stood before him. Jaxon couldn't believe it.

"Alright everyone split up." A dark grey dragon ordered.

Each dragon flew in a different direction except for the dark grey dragon and a yellow dragon, who stayed behind. Jaxons mouth dropped to the ground once he heard them speak. He thought he had known everything about dragons already.

"What do you think King Gruff will do to Hero?" The yellow dragon asked.

"I'm not sure Jade." The dark grey dragon replied. "I mean, do we really need that runt anyways?"

Jade looked offended as if he had called her fat. But he just ignored her and began to wack the trees around him. Before he could wack another, Jade stepped in front of him.

"Drogan are you saying Hero doesn't matter at all?" She asked more seriously.

Drogan laughed at this and continued to wack more trees. "I am."

Jaxon was so fascinated by the creatures he hadn't noticed that the weather had gotten back to normal. It must have been the dragons wing power! But now, something else didn't feel right. Suddenly the noise of a horn was heard in the distance towards north. Drogan and Jade had forgotten about their conversation and had sudden fear in their eyes.

Out of nowhere, a net dropped the female dragons body. She struggled for freedom but there was no use in trying.

"Drogan help me!" Jade cried in pain, as the chains began to shock her.

Drogan tried to pull Jade out with his claws but the ropes and chains shocked him as well whenever he touched it. Suddenly another trap flew on top of him and began shocking him as well. Jaxon saw two horrifying creatures appear from the bushes. They had the head of a ram, the body of a horse, and wings like a dragon.

"Send them up!" One of the creatures called.

The two nets shot up into the air and was flown away by the creatures. The two creatures followed them after they had disappeared. Just as Jaxon thought the madness was all over, two more sets of dragons flew down softly onto the forest floor. Where were these dragons coming from!

To Jaxons surprise it was the same dragon that he had seen fly to the cliff. He hadn't noticed the other dragon who was a fiery red color. The two looked worried as they searched the area. It didn't look like they could find what they were looking for. Although Jaxon was tempted to talk to them, he stayed where he was.

"Drogan! Jade! Drones! Where are you?" The blue and white dragon called. There was no answer.

After about ten more minutes of searching, the dragons gave up and flew away. Jaxon was curious about these dragons and he wanted to know more. Maybe he could help in some way. He got up from his hiding spot and brushed his clothes off.

"I need to follow those dragons."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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