•Chapter 1: Hero•

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You'd think they were birds. But if you look a bit closer, you could see they were much bigger than birds. Their wings were much stronger than flimsy feathers. Webbed feet were replaced by large claws. And instead of soft feathers, it was replaced with scales.

The dragons soared above the clouds and soon swooped down among the tree tops. They had made the shape of a wide 'V' and traveled so fast, that leaves were beginning to fall out of the trees.

"M.G, looks like we're missing a dragon." One dragon called from the back of the group.

The leader of the drones, dragons who make sure the area is safe from hunters, looked towards the back of the 'V' and saw a spot was missing in the formation. M.G heaved a deep sigh. He wasn't surprised by this.

"Where's Hero?" He asked, stopping the group. "Who let him out of our sight again?"

Nobody answered, For they didn't want to be the one responsible for loosing the runt. The dragons began whispering among each other, and looked around to see who might be to blame.

"I think I saw him head towards the mountains." Another dragon called through the wind.

"Alright land down below and make sure the area is clear. If anything happens, send someone to get me." He ordered, swooping away from the group. "I'll be right back!"

• • • • •

The young dragon was finally free. He finally felt where he belonged, in the wild. His massive appearance and his sharp claws could scare anyone. And although he was a drone dragon, his fears had gotten in the way of this, which made him weak. His name was Hero.

Hero sat on the edge of cliff surrounded by many trees, as he looked out over DragonHeart Lake. Every now and then he'd come to this location and think. It made him feel good and yet free from his duties.

A small blue bird landed on Hero's left wing. Normally dragons would shoo it away, or maybe even kill it. But he didn't mind it at all. In fact, other animals were easier to talk to than the scary dragons who never listened to him.

"Hello little bird. I bet you feel happy being free." Hero said, petting the blue bird with his long talon.

The bird tweeted happily and crawled on top of his horns. Hero was mesmerized by the small creature. Sometimes he wished he were the bird instead of being a scary dragon. But he knew it was impossible.

"I hope you enjoy your life little bird." He sighed.

All of a sudden, the ground began to vibrate and the trees started to shake. For some strange reason the wind was becoming stronger too. The little blue bird was blown away by the gust of wind. Hero tried to save it but was to late. Only one word could explain this. Drones.

"Hero! Where are you!" A ruff voice roared, echoing off the mountains stone walls.

The dragon tried to hide behind a nearby boulder, but he obviously could be spotted from millions of miles away. The wind had picked up now and a dark blue and white dragon landed on the ground before him.

"Hero stop hiding, I know that's you." The dragon said, throwing the boulder aside. "What are you doing? King Gruff promised me to keep you in my sight, and what do you go and do!"

Hero began to tear up which soon turned into loud sobs. M.G rolled his eyes at this. He knew these would be the exact consequences if he brought the runt along.

"I'm so sorry M.G!" He wept, at the drone masters feet. "Please don't tell King Gruff and the tribe. It's just that-"

Before he could continue, M.G interrupted him. "Come On Hero. Stop it." He said, shaking Hero away from him. "Just don't do it again. Now come on the drone are waiting for us!"

He helped Hero up and the two took off. M.G lead him and Hero down the mountains and into the forest, where he told the drones to land.

"The drones  are supposed to be down there." M.G said, pointing down towards a patch of trees.

The drone master and Hero landed softly on the forest floor, next to a koi pond. To the dragons surprise, there was no sign of the drones anywhere except the woodland creatures that roamed the area. All of the eye could see were trees, trees, and well more trees.

"Drogan! Jade! Drones!" M.G called, through the forest. "Where are you guys?" But no one answered.

They continued searching for the drones but it was no use. They were gone. Hero exchanged a worried glance with M.G, and they must have thought the same thing. Where were the drones?

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